Sunday, November 3, 2013


"I must come to your house". Poignant words from our Lord addressed to Zacchaeus the publican. Zachaeus must have been surprised to have heard this word from Jesus. These words were like spell of magic that captured the whole attention of Zachaeus. For he welcomed the Lord at his house, dined with him and his guests and while hearing from the words of the Lord, he was moved to repentance and a strong resolve that whatever he took from others he will return it fourfold. How can this great sinner, a publican (publicans in Jesus times were considered by Jews as sinners, dirty and traitors because the collect taxes for the Romans and they become rich by cheating and by commissions coming from the tax collection), despised by all received such attention from the Lord. Sometimes and I think in many occasions the GRACE OF THE LORD is unfathomable. It comes at most unexpected times. Showing the tender mercies of our God. Without difficulty it moves the human heart to repentance. Obviously the very sign of repentance is the desire to repay and return what has been defrauded because of sin and wrong doing. Restitution comes easy when the grace of God moves us to repentance. This is the meaning of true repentance. The repentance that brings salvation. And Jesus declared to everyone, "Salvation has come to this house, for this man Zacchaeus is also a son of Abraham." Lord Jesus that your grace may touch our hearts, is my prayer. Amen.

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The Word Made Flesh