Saturday, February 16, 2013


My Reflection for the First Sunday of Lent
(Luke 4:1-13)

Today's gospel reading highlighted, the three greatest temptation that is often the terrible cause of every human's downfall.  The lust for food, the lust for power and earthly glory, and the sin of presumption. If we will come to think of this, most of these sins when committed stem from our lack of faith and trust in the Lord.  I would like to specifically focus on the last temptation which is the sin of presumption.  Often we test the Lord's love for us by bringing our selves to situations of which we are not suppose to be there, falsely consoling ourselves with the thoughts that perhaps the Lord will do something to save us.  But Jesus in that gospel, categorically rebuked the devil by telling him "thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God."

How many times have we blamed the Lord for the miseries that we have found our selves?  How may times we loose our faith in God when things around us, including our plans, did not work our just right? Why instead of throwing ourselves into the merciful hand of God, we blame him for our failures?  Should we not plunge ourselves in the hands of God who can change our destiny and shape it according to His goodness?  Our faith in God must come under test.  Abraham showed his utmost love for God and his faith by willinglly offering his son as a sacrifice.  He willingly followed God in a strange land in search for His promise.  

We, too in this season of lent, we are called upon by the Lord to follow Him in faith.  This spirit of unbelief cannot go out unless we fight it with prayer and fasting.  Why not simply trust the Lord?  When we find ourselves in difficult situation, instead of negativism, why don't we simply utter a short phrase of prayer, petitioning God to help our unbelief?

Short Prayer:  Lord Jesus increase our faith, so that in this journey we call life, we can always see and experience your goodness in the land of the living.  Grant us a contrite heart and a penitent heart, willing to love and obey.  So that in this season of Lent we will see and experience your love and care.  So that in difficult moments we would be reminded of our home in heaven, of which you have prepared for us.  This we ask in your name, Amen.

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The Word Made Flesh