Saturday, February 9, 2013


As the Scripture said, God does not think they way men thinks. He judges not as men judge, for he looks into the heart of men. I wonder what would it be if today Christ were here, who would he call to be his disciples? Will He approached those with Ph.D.s, the Politicians, the business magnates, the police officers to be fishers ofmen? When Christ began His public ministry, he did not call the teachers of the law, the Scribes and the Pharisees to be his followers, but he called on those unassuming fishermen at the lake of Galilee to be his followers. And Christ with authoritative words told Peter and his companions, that from then on they will become no longer catchers of fish but catchers of men. The ways of the kingdom of this world is so different from the ways of the Kingdom of God. Their values are poles apart. While this world seeks honor and accolade, the kingdom of God teaches us that the greatest value is love and humility and manifested in loving service to humanity. Those of us who were called to be in this Kingdom must show by words and by deeds these values of loving service to humanity. We must shun the honors of this world which are fleeting. But rather we seek the honors that comes from God. But when the Son of Man will come, will He find faith on earth?

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The Word Made Flesh