Friday, January 4, 2013

RH Bill / Law: A Divisive Debate but a May turn to be a Blessing in Disguise

AN EYE OPENER, WAY FOR SELF-REFLECTION, AND A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. The decline of Church influence in state matters is indeed tragic as it could open a way for haters of the church and her enemies to pass laws and policies that would undermine the faith and doctrine of the Church. But this also calls self-reflection. Perhaps the Bishops should concentrate now on how to effectively promote faith via Catechism and enhancing the devotional life of the faithful. Just like prior to Vatican II when people would listen and obey the advice of their Priests. The Bishops I think have never paid attention so much on these. The social concerns and liberation theology has gotten hold on a few and this has sidetrack the church. If the Bishops could raise spiritual devotion it would not be very difficult to persuade politicians and the faithful to adhere to the teachings of Christ and of the church. I salute the Bishops who were physically present there at congress. They have proven themselves to be real shepherds. To those who have been silent and complacent and the fearful ones, I say, you are accountable to Jesus, the master shepherd who has appointed you to guard the flock against the wolves. Now that the wolves have attack the flock through un-Christian legislation, where are they now? Will they hold their peace?

Here is an article from Rappler.  

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