The Baby Jesus, The Author's Personal Collection |
THIS SUNDAY we celebrated the feast of the magi. The readings in the mass today spoke about the wise men from the East or magi. What is the signification of this feast. We are told in the Scriptures that wise men came from the east because according to the gospel narrative, they have read from the stars that on that day the King of the Jews was born. According to our tradition it was said that there were three magi. In fact oral tradition had names for them, Melchor, Gaspar and Batazar. It was also said that one brought with him an incense, the other brought gold and myrrh. These three gifts stood for what Christ was going to do for the human race. Gold, to signify that Jesus Christ is King. He is the King of Israel, he is the anointed king coming from God. Incense stood for his priestly office. Jesus Christ is our High Priest, He was the one who entered into the Holy of Holies and has offered the eternal sacrifice most pleasing to God and efficacious. Myrrh because of the passion and suffering that he was to undergo. Christ, the eternal High Priest who offered Himself to God as a clean oblation, most pleasing and propitious. Another important signification of the feast of the magi, was to tell us that the Kingdom of God and salvation was open for all people, of every race and of every tongues. Salvation will come from the Jews but it was meant not only for the Jews but for the gentiles as well. Those believe and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord will be saved. This is what the apostles of ancient times and this is what the Catholic Church still preaches until today, till the comsumation of time, when Christ will come to judge the world in righteousness. - Happy Epiphany, to God be the glory!
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