Monday, October 18, 2010

The Right of the Church to Proclaim the Truth

 His Grace, the Most Reverend Leonardo Z. Legazpi, O.P. wrote a pastoral letter on the role of the church in public life.  Here is an excerpt from the pastoral letter the full text can be read at this link.
"The teachings of the Church concerning prevailing social issues that affect people are not merely limited to renunciation of immoral acts, but in a more positive light, these teachings seek to form and illumine our conscience to enable us to choose the good and to genuinely decide in accordance with what is true.[18] In this sense, the Church is a vital contributor in the political debate, a transformative resource[19] insofar as she helps in purifying and shedding light upon the application of reason to the discovery of objective moral principles.[20] Ultimately, the right and duty of the Church to speak about the Truth and to form conscience in the Truth is rooted not so much in her doctrinal statements and pastoral letters but in her fidelity in following Jesus.[21]"

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