Sunday, October 31, 2010

All Saints and All Souls Day

Today is all saints day and tomorrow is all souls day.  This is a beautiful day to reflect on the communion of the saints.  When we chant the litany of the saints we got the transcendental perspective of the Kingdom of God.  Let this day too be an opportunity to exercise our charity since the souls in purgatory needs our prayers too.


Juan Yessermam said...

Respectfully, I think a better idea if you want to exercise your "charity" would be to give REAL and ACTUAL help to REAL and ACTUAL people.

Juan Yessermam said...

Respectfully, I think a better idea if you want to exercise your charity would be to give REAL, ACTUAL help to REAL, ACTUAL people in need.

The Island Gypsy said...

We are commanded to do good things both to the living and the dead. Remember its not only earthly life but the heare after as well. There should be balance.

The Word Made Flesh