Sunday, July 25, 2010

Women Priests anyone???

I found this article interesting from UCAN, the title of the article is  "Nuns' attack Vatican on women's ordination".  Sometimes I wonder why nuns advocating positions contrary to the teaching of the Church advocating ideas and advocacies contrary to the teachings. of the church.  Feminism is a worldly ideology and sadly it has found its inroads in some religious orders.  They erroneously equate equality of the sexes with sameness.  Man and women are equal in the sight of God but they are not the same.  They have specific roles to play in the Church and in this world.  As one reader commented: "Church can commit no mistake because it is the Body of Christ. God choose man to be His priest and woman as His Mother. (Eccl 7: 28.29) " which my mind has shought repeatedly, but I have not found. One man among thousand I found, but a woman among all these I have not found. See, this alone I found, that God made human beings straightforward, but they have devised many schemes" Respected Sr. we should try to follow the rule that God wanted us to follow. " Chastity. poverty and obedience" not activism."

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