Friday, July 16, 2010

A Beautiful Reflection on Creation

Legazpi City, Sunset (Photo by Dr. Herbert R.). The Creation Speaks of the Beauty of God, His gentleness and Compassion.

Here is a quote that I would like to share.  This is from the late Thomas Merton.  The title of the book is "The New Man" Published by Bantam Books (1981) First published in 1962. Page 29.

"The glory, the strength, the suppleness, the life of all things came into being at a command from God and praised Him.  It was not because they praised Him that He looked at them: they praised Him because they were seen by Him: they praised Him because they were seen by Him.  Their being, their life and their beauty existed because they were known by Him. Their being, their reality, their existence, their movement, their life: these things praised Him because they were decided in His own wisdom and existed by an option of His liberty."
This is a very insightful reflection on the beauty and mystery of creation.  Had I not read this line, this idea will not come to me.  Indeed, we praised God because we were made by Him.  God does not need our praise and worship.  He sufficient unto Himself.  But he created us because He chose to love us.  Thus we owe everything to Him that we love and praise Him. 

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The Word Made Flesh