The Vatican finds itself in the middle of the tug of war between the SSPX and the german Bishops. I opine that there is a need for both parties to yield with humility to the best intentions of the Holy Father to heal this rift within the Body of Christ. Interestingly the recent priestly ordinations of the SSPX seminary in Germany has cause some controversy because of threats of new excommunications. Recently, the Rector of the Seminary at Zaitskofen has released a statement. An excerpt:
"These ordinations are bestowed with the intention of serving the Catholic Church. We bestow these priestly ordinations because we wish to express our unity with the Church of Rome. This unity consists of the same doctrine, the same sacraments, and the holy sacrifice of the Mass of all times. The newly ordained priests, as well as all of the members of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, recognize the office of the Pope and the authority of the Church. Just as all other clergy of the Fraternity, the candidates for ordination will pray by name for the reigning Pope as well as the local Ordinary - an expression of solidarity, which theFraternity has practiced since its founding more than 30 years ago. We do not want a parallel Church, but instead wish to preserve the incalculable treasure of Catholic Tradition within the one true Catholic Church." [Emphasis supplied]
More of this can be read from DICI
"These ordinations are bestowed with the intention of serving the Catholic Church. We bestow these priestly ordinations because we wish to express our unity with the Church of Rome. This unity consists of the same doctrine, the same sacraments, and the holy sacrifice of the Mass of all times. The newly ordained priests, as well as all of the members of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, recognize the office of the Pope and the authority of the Church. Just as all other clergy of the Fraternity, the candidates for ordination will pray by name for the reigning Pope as well as the local Ordinary - an expression of solidarity, which theFraternity has practiced since its founding more than 30 years ago. We do not want a parallel Church, but instead wish to preserve the incalculable treasure of Catholic Tradition within the one true Catholic Church." [Emphasis supplied]
More of this can be read from DICI
Fr. Z in his blog has provided a very useful commentary which can be read from What Does the Prayer Really Say
Fr. Z said in his blog that these men (SSPX) need to be reconciled with the Church. I also agree. They will be very valuable for the church especially if we take into consideration the problems bessetting the present times and the modern trend of seminary training. However, there should be healing. The long years of struggle has hardened some hearts. Extreme views need to be purged. If we consider modernism and false ecumenism as worse, then equally religious extremism/extreme rightism is also worse. But the grace of God is greater than anything. All we need to do is pray sincerely.
1 comment:
Dr Herbert, shall we get in touch by mail? I live in Rome and would ask you a few questions...
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