Monday, March 2, 2009

Papal Angelus Address: On Angels

"In the brevity of the account, in the face of this obscure and darksome figure who dares to tempt the Lord, the angels, luminous and mysterious figures, fleetingly appear. The Gospel says that the angels "serve" Jesus (Mark 1:13); they are the counterpoint to Satan. "Angel" means "one who is sent.'" His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in his Angelus address on the first Sunday of Lent, this excerpt is from zenit the full text can be read by following the link. Angles are mysterious indeed, but we are told that they are ministering spirits, who serve the Lord day and night. They were the ones who constantly sing "Holy, Holy, Holy..." In the liturgy we echo their voice as we anticipate the effects of transubstantiation. We bow with awe and wonder.

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