An excerpt from the letter of the Four Bishops of the FSSPX to His holiness Pope Benedict XVI: "In sentiments of thanksgiving we wish to express our deep gratitude for Your act of paternal kindness and for the apostolic courage by which You rendered ineffective the measure which imposed upon us twenty years ago as a consequence of our episcopal consecrations. Your decree dated January 21, 2009 restores in some way the reputation of the venerated founder of our priestly Society, His Grace Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. It also procures a great good to the Church, so it seems to us, by doing justice to the priests and faithful worldwide who, attached to the Tradition of the Church, will no longer be unjustly stigmatized for having kept the Faith of their fathers." More of this can be read at DICI .
I am moved to tears by the sentiments expressed in this letter especially when I think that in the midst of this crisis of faith in the church, sacrifices are called for and always entails the sufferings of faithful souls. How many Bishops in the world could write a letter like this expressing piety and devotion not only to the person of the Holy Father but devotion to the magisterium of the Church. May the Virgin Mary, our Lady of Lourdes intercede and protect her loyal children. Let us include this in our Lenten penances. I know and believe that the church is always protected by the Holy Ghost from error. This modernist crisis in the church will pass away and I know in my heart that in the end, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph. Let us pray for our Pope that God may give him strength and courage.
I am moved to tears by the sentiments expressed in this letter especially when I think that in the midst of this crisis of faith in the church, sacrifices are called for and always entails the sufferings of faithful souls. How many Bishops in the world could write a letter like this expressing piety and devotion not only to the person of the Holy Father but devotion to the magisterium of the Church. May the Virgin Mary, our Lady of Lourdes intercede and protect her loyal children. Let us include this in our Lenten penances. I know and believe that the church is always protected by the Holy Ghost from error. This modernist crisis in the church will pass away and I know in my heart that in the end, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph. Let us pray for our Pope that God may give him strength and courage.
Thank you for your interesting blog. It's good to know that there are other Filipinos out there, who follow Tradition.
Also, let us pray, like our Lord, that we may be one. I'm happy to see that the SSPX is working to re-unite with Rome. Do you know when the SSPX clergy will begin to discuss their doctrinal questions with the Roman authorities?
Thank you for your comments. Yes we love tradition. I discovered tradition way back in 2005 and I feel sad that for so many years I have been deprived of this richness.
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