Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Beatiful Mass for Cardinal John Henry Newman

A beautiful mass on All Saints Day was said for the cause of Cardinal Newman's Beautification. I was impressed by the way the liturgy was conducted. The mass was obviously Novus Ordo, but the vestments were in the traditional form. The concelebrants were wearing Roman Chasubles. The mass was conducted in Latin, Ad Orientem. Much similar to the Mass celebrated by the Pope in the Sistene chapel. I would opine that this Novus Ordo Mass celebrated with all the traditional elements is an example of what a Novus Ordo Mass should be. Thank God there were no intrusive commentators, no women servers, the servers were old men, and the people ministering at the altar know exactly what they are suppose to do. I wish that all Novus Ordo Mass will be like this. Very inspiring and very much Catholic. Crdinal Newman Pray for us. Amen.

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