The Collect for today's Mass in Honor of St. Therese, Virgin and Doctor, speaks poignantly of the whole desire of the church as she celebrates the feast of a well-loved saint.
"O Lord, who has said; Unless you become as little children you shall not enter into the Kingdom of heaven, Grant unto us we beseech Thee, so to follow in humility and simplicity of heart the footsteps of St. Theresa the Virgin, that we may obtain everlasting rewards: who livest and reignest ..."
The simplicity and the eagerness by which St. Therese obeyed the will of God, her love for Jesus was the moving force behind her life. She was not inflated with sophisticated theology, she did not even earn a degree and died very young. But she was declared by the Church a Doctor because of her profound knowledge and insight into the mystery of Christ.
We are reminded of the Children who greeted the Lord's entry to Jerusalem with shouts of "Hossana". It reminds us of the words of the prophet which said "out of the mouths of the Babes will I declare my praise". Mary's magnificat also expressed this same faith when she praised God for seeing the humility of her handmaid, He has scattered the proud in their conceit. How does this move us to love God all the more. How does this teching reproves the proud theologians, who debates about words and ideas but failed in one thing to show charity.
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