Thursday, October 2, 2008

"Let the Little Children Come Unto Me"

The BU-CSSP Department of Peace Studies in observance of the month-long celebration of the National Peace Consciousness Month organized a series of activities in order to promote awareness of peace. The Volunteers for Peace, an organization of students sponsored the Adopt a Child for a day project. The VFP invited a group of Children from Burgos, Daraga, Albay and tendered a party for the children. Aside from the party the children was also exposed to a story telling time. For this purpose the VFP invited Prof. Marcia Rico of the College of Education and Prof. Ruby Ann Ayo to be the story teller. Stories of Peace were the focal point of the story telling activities. Children love to hear stories and this is the best opportunity to incultate in the children the culture of peace. This is to help them realize that they can solve their problems using non-violent means.

The Excitement in the eyes of the Children from Burgos.

Jomar seems to be the joker, here he can be seen responding enthusiastically to Teacher Marcia

The VFP and the JPA took the responsibility of conveying the Children from Burgos to the Campus and vice-versa

Teacher Ruby engaging the pupils in a conversation

Teacher Ruby with her picture stories

Teacher Marcia leading the pupils in singing

The Story of Teacher Marcia

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The Word Made Flesh