Friday, October 31, 2008

Rosary For the Withdrawal of the 1988 Excommunications

Let us pledge a Rosary for the withdrawal of the 1988 excommunications as a result of the Episcopal Consecrations undertaken by His Grace, the late Archbishop Marcel Lefevbre, Bishop-Archbishop Emeritus of Tulle, former superior general of the Holy Ghost Fathers and former superior general of the Society of St. Pius X. Pledge your Rosary.

Fr. Z in his Blog WDTPRS says [as a comment] that "this is a good initiative. But let us not forget that grace builds on nature. Hopefully some of that prayer will be dedicated to softening hearts, not just in the Holy See, but also in the SSPX and its followers so that they will submit in concrete ways to the Roman Pontiff."

A story can be found in the blog
Rorate Caeli. from where Fr Z. cited the text he was commenting on.

Amen to that. Let us pray for the eventual reconciliation. This wound of separation should be healed. His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has extended a generous arms and has done his best to heal the wounds. This schism that has been in existence for long has rent asunder the unity of the Church. But this is a time for healing. The Mass of All Ages has been restored and we hope that the Grace of the Lord will work in the hearts of all. We also pray that the five points proposed by the Office headed by Cardinal Hoyos will be accepted. We hope that there will be no more polemics and name calling. Name calling will only sow bitterness and division. St. Paul taught us that endless debates will not help the faith, it will only sow division. Let us pray that all Catholics will truly find the right spirit to submit to the authority of the Holy Father. Submission on many times may be contrary to our personal will, but to the obedient it is the sweet yoke of Christ.

This coming Christmas, let there be unity and peace. May Our Lady of Perpetual Help intercede for us.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Solemn Requiem High Mass for the Poor Souls

EWTN will air a live solemn requiem high mass for the Poor souls. Traditional Latin Mass / Extraordinary Form, at the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament. Please visit EWTN Specials for November

All Souls Day

“As the hart panteth after the fountains of water, so my soul panteth after thee, Oh God! My soul hath thirsted after the strong living God; when shall I come and appear before the face of God?” [Psalms 41:2,3]

November 2, is the first class feast of All Souls. The Liturgical Color is Black. A very important day for all Catholics because this is the day that we remember in prayer our loved one’s departed as well as the innumerable others whom God has called by His Grace, saved and yet has to render the temporal depth owing to their sins. The chief pains of all those in purgatory is the deprivation of the Vision of God. They are deprived of the most beautiful vision. This feeling of deprivation is not based on ignorance but is based on full knowledge about their need for this vision. Unlike on earth, many human beings suffer because of their need for communion with God. But the suffering of the living is most often associated with their ignorance. Sometimes they suffer and they do no know what is it that they are looking for. But in purgatory the souls know exactly that it is God whom they long to see. A beautiful explanation of this Doctrine can be found in the Catechetical book entitled “My Catholic Faith” by Most Reverend Louis LaRovoire Morrow, STD Bishop of Krishnagar

The Feast of All Saints

Gaudeamus omnes in Domino, diem festum celebrantes sub honore Sanctorum omnium: de quorum solemnitate gaudent Angeli, et collaudant Filium Dei…

The Introit for today’s mass as quoted above speaks of the Joy of the Church as she remembers the Saints, whose heroic virtue and obedience to Christ has merited them the beatific vision. Today we too celebrate one of the beautiful doctrine of the Church which is the communion of the Saints….I believe in the communion of the saints… says the Nicene Creed.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Saint of Desperate Cases

2nd Class Feast SS. Simon and Jude, Apostles

Deus, qui nos per beatos Apostolus tuos Simonem et Judam, ad agnitionem tui nominis venire tribuisti : da nobis eorus gloriam sempiternam et proficiendo celebrare et celebrando proficere. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Chritum Filium tuum… Collecta

It was said that although St. Gregory the illuminator was considered the founder of Christianity in Armenia, there is a long standing tradition that St. Jude Thaddeus was the first apostle to perform baptism in Armenia. There is a long standing tradition that devotion to St. Jude was avoided by Christians in the past because his name was similar to that of Judas Iscariot. St. Jude however is more associated with Simon the Zealot and is a different person from that of Judas Iscariot. St. Jude is also known as the saint of desperate cases because he stand ready to aid and help those who call upon his intercession. Such as his readiness to help thus the fervent devotion he receives from Christians. In the Philippines St. Jude is venerated by the Filipino-Chinese community.

St. Jude Pray for us.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Naga to be a Pilgrim City

The Original Shrine of the Venerated Icon of Our Lady of Penafrancia Now a Parish Church.

The Basilica Minore of Our Lady Penafrancia located in Balatas, Naga City. This much bigger and Grander Church is the New Home of the Venerated Icon. A Testament of the Bicolano's Love for the Virgin Mother of God

The Cathedral Church of the Archbishop of Caceres, in Naga City

"The clergy of the Archdiocese of Caceres has started work to make the City of Naga a Pilgrim City, being the center of devotion and home of Our Lady of Peñafrancia, Patroness of Bicolandia. This was learned from the office of Caceres Archbishop Leonardo Legazpi, through Father Jay Jacinto, the archbishop’s secretary. He said a three-day workshop participated by 27 priests from two vicariates in the archdiocese (the Vicariates of St. John the Evangelist and Our Lady of Peñafrancia), was conducted in order to come up with an action plan as a response to the local church leader’s call for the devotees and the faithful do the act of communal discernment.".... Read more from the CBCP News.

PP. Benedict XVI Prays for the Persecuted Christians in Iraq and India

In a midday address during Angelus, the Holy Father urge prayers for the persecuted Christians of Iraq and India. Here is an excerpt of the Angelus Message of the Holy Father:

“At the end of the synodal assembly, the patriarchs of the Eastern Churches have raised a call, which I make my own, to bring the attention of the international community, of religious leaders and of all men and women of good will, to the tragedy that is being lived in the countries of the East, where Christians are victims of intolerance and cruel violence, slain, threatened, and forced to abandon their homes and wander in search of refuge. I am thinking especially in this moment of Iraq and India.

I am sure that the ancient and noble populations of these nations have learned, over the course of centuries of respectful coexistence, to appreciate the contribution that the small, but qualified and hardworking Christian minorities give to the growth of the common homeland. They do not ask for privileges, but only want to continue living in their nation with their countrymen, as they have always done. I ask the respective civil and religious authorities not to spare any effort so that legality and civil coexistence are again re-established and honest and loyal citizens can know that they can count on adequate protection from the institutions of the state. I also hope that the civil and religious leaders of all countries, aware of their roles as guides and reference points for the people, make significant and explicit gestures of friendship and consideration for Christian minorities or those of other religions, and that they make of the defense of their legitimate rights a question of honor.” [for more of these read the article from]

The Christians of India and Iraq indeed need our prayers. Their persecutions reminded us of the early history of Christians. These gloomy situation should not subdue our spirits but continue to trust in the Lord for He is in control of everything. There is a very interesting and inspiring passage from the Scripture that can serve as inspiration in time of persecution it is found in Romans 8: 35-39.

Who then shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation? Or distress? Or famine? Or nakedness? or danger? Or persecution? Or sword? ….But in all these things we overcome, because of him that hath loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor might, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, nor shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

This ongoing persecution against Christians in Iraq and India touches the compassions in our hearts because these countries have through the centuries been the host to ancient Christian Communities who by tradition traces its origin on the works of the Apostles, especially that of St. Jude and St. Thomas. Let us pray for our brothers and sisters who are persecuted. Let us pray for a forgiving heart and pray for the conversion of heart of the persecutors. May the persecutors realize that God is love, merciful and compassionate. Let us also pray for the Ministry of the Holy Father, Benedict XVI.

The Word Made Flesh