Friday, October 31, 2008

Rosary For the Withdrawal of the 1988 Excommunications

Let us pledge a Rosary for the withdrawal of the 1988 excommunications as a result of the Episcopal Consecrations undertaken by His Grace, the late Archbishop Marcel Lefevbre, Bishop-Archbishop Emeritus of Tulle, former superior general of the Holy Ghost Fathers and former superior general of the Society of St. Pius X. Pledge your Rosary.

Fr. Z in his Blog WDTPRS says [as a comment] that "this is a good initiative. But let us not forget that grace builds on nature. Hopefully some of that prayer will be dedicated to softening hearts, not just in the Holy See, but also in the SSPX and its followers so that they will submit in concrete ways to the Roman Pontiff."

A story can be found in the blog
Rorate Caeli. from where Fr Z. cited the text he was commenting on.

Amen to that. Let us pray for the eventual reconciliation. This wound of separation should be healed. His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has extended a generous arms and has done his best to heal the wounds. This schism that has been in existence for long has rent asunder the unity of the Church. But this is a time for healing. The Mass of All Ages has been restored and we hope that the Grace of the Lord will work in the hearts of all. We also pray that the five points proposed by the Office headed by Cardinal Hoyos will be accepted. We hope that there will be no more polemics and name calling. Name calling will only sow bitterness and division. St. Paul taught us that endless debates will not help the faith, it will only sow division. Let us pray that all Catholics will truly find the right spirit to submit to the authority of the Holy Father. Submission on many times may be contrary to our personal will, but to the obedient it is the sweet yoke of Christ.

This coming Christmas, let there be unity and peace. May Our Lady of Perpetual Help intercede for us.

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