“As the hart panteth after the fountains of water, so my soul panteth after thee, Oh God! My soul hath thirsted after the strong living God; when shall I come and appear before the face of God?” [Psalms 41:2,3]
November 2, is the first class feast of All Souls. The Liturgical Color is Black. A very important day for all Catholics because this is the day that we remember in prayer our loved one’s departed as well as the innumerable others whom God has called by His Grace, saved and yet has to render the temporal depth owing to their sins. The chief pains of all those in purgatory is the deprivation of the Vision of God. They are deprived of the most beautiful vision. This feeling of deprivation is not based on ignorance but is based on full knowledge about their need for this vision. Unlike on earth, many human beings suffer because of their need for communion with God. But the suffering of the living is most often associated with their ignorance. Sometimes they suffer and they do no know what is it that they are looking for. But in purgatory the souls know exactly that it is God whom they long to see. A beautiful explanation of this Doctrine can be found in the Catechetical book entitled “My Catholic Faith” by Most Reverend Louis LaRovoire Morrow, STD Bishop of Krishnagar
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