San Vicente Valley, El Salvador, Central America
I took this picture way back in August of 1997 on my Trip to
that Central American Country
Tonight as I was preparing to go to bed, I was thinking of what to meditate on. Suddenly I remember to peruse my Hand Missal and on the Calendar I saw that yesterday was the feast of St. Athanasius. What symbol, I ask myself, befits this man, Bishop and Saint who lived through one of the turbulent times in the History of the Church. He lived at an aged characterized by the different Christological concepts competing with each other. The Church in its puberty was struggling to conceived the nature of Christ. Athanasius opposed the teaching of Arius, the leader of the Arian Heresy who denied the divinity of Christ. St. Athanasius wrote many books and articles that defended the divinity of Christ. Thus, I thought of the Mountain. Strong immovable and cannot tumble. That was the faith of St. Athanasius, strong, anchored on the "Rock".
Venerated Icon of St. Athanasius at St. Mark's Cathedral in Cairo, Egypt
Let me offer a prayer and join me as you read:
Almighty Father, through your Son Jesus Christ and through the strength that the consolation of the Holy Ghost brings, you have chosen St. Athanasius to be a hero of the Church. A defender of orthodox doctrine and a defender of faith in your Son. help us by your grace and inspiration to overcome, like St. Athanasius, the modern day Arians, who deny the divinity and the efficacy of your Son's atonening Sacrifice on Calvary. By St. Athanasius's example make us heroes of the faith even in our little ways. We ask this through your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
St. Athanasius, Pray for us. Amen
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