I was privilege to be invited on May 4,2008 to assist in the TLM celebrated by Fr. Abe, CRS in connection with the retreat he conducted with the nuns and novices of the Siervas de Jesus Convent in Iriga City, Camarines Sur, Philippines. Iriga is a City in the Center of the Bicol Peninsula. Fr. Abe wanted to provide the sisters a window to the ancient Liturgy of the Latin Rite. It seems now that through this apostolate, the TLM is being propagated little by little in the Bicol Peninsula where the Traditional Forms of the Liturgy has vanished since the post conciliar reform of the Liturgy. We were delighted to have the Superior of the House sing, who herself is a musician and singer. So we had a schola for the first time since the TLM was celebrated last February 2008 in Sorsogon City. This was our first Missa Cantata. Indeed it was edifying to observe how the sisters sang and responded to the dialogues of the Mass. It was also their first time to observe the silent recitation of the Canon of the Mass. Indeed what a fitting spiritual treat to retreatants to savour the beauty of this ancient liturgy celebrated by saints of old and until now continues to edify the faithful. Even if bereft of vestments and other minor vessels, the Mass in its ancient form can be celebrated in the most dignified way. And it never fails to exude it spiritual beauty and radiance. A delight to the souls of them that trusts in the Lord, who listens to His Word and accept the gift of salvation. What shall I give to the Lord for all the things He has done unto me? I will take the cup of salvation and praise the name of the Lord!
Thank you very much Doc for posting about our TLM in Iriga City. For sure the Sisters will be delighted to read this post in your wonderful Blog. I am just preparing my post about this story and for a 5th time in a row you beat me in posting our TLM.
I was checking my e-mail to see if you send any message whether you received the photos I sent. Finding no reply I opened your blog. And voila, I saw them. He,he,he... Great reflection po.
God bless you always. And please don't forget our Low Mass [TLM on Thursday] that will be for the death Anniversary of my Mama. I will be honored to have you at my side on that Sacrifice.
Thank you father for the wonderful pictures and above all thank you very much for the Mass. Like St. Francis of Asissi, we are simple laypersons, thats why we appreciate the Priest because they bring to us this wonderful sacrament, the Sacrament of all Sacraments. I love the Holy Mass very much, and I know that as long as I live I will never get tired of this sacrament. Once again thank you. You see father, thats how I am devoted to the Mass, I always beat the Priest in blogg postings hehehehehe . But there is one thing you can do as a priest which we cannot do as laypersons, and for that we are eternally greatful. God bless po.
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