Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May 5, St. Pope Pius V, Pope & Confessor

I almost forgot, May 5 is the feast of Pope Pius V. One of the very important task undertaken by this great Pope was the revision and codification of the Roman Missal as mandated by the Council of Trent. He vigorously fought the heresies of his time, instilled discipline among the clergy, and a very good inquisitor, zealous for orthodoxy. In October 7, 1571, under his encouragement the Battle of Lepanto was won. This battle is very important because it finally prevented the westward push of Muslim influence in Europe. The Battle of Lepanto was dedicated in honor of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary.


Anonymous said...

Pope St. Pius V is the Pope who approved the Canonical and Pontifical status of the Order of the Clerics Regular of Somascha, known as THE SOMASCAN FATHERS. The Congregation in which I belong. THANK YOU ST. PIUS V!

Anonymous said...

St. Pius actually lived in decadent times. Religious discipline was lax. Many clerics did not live up to their calling. As a Dominican religious Pius V took his vows seriously and even became the superior of three dominican houses. He made the work of inquisitor as his career which eventually led him to become the Grand Inquisitor. It was he who actually popularized the white cossack of the pontiffs. As a dominican, and even when he became pope, he used the white dominican habit. Subsequently the succeeding popes imitated him by wearing the white habit. His piety and holiness inspired many succeeding popes in such a way that many Popes named Pius became popular popes and known for their piety and love for the church. Like Pope Pius X, Pius IX, Pius XII.

Anonymous said...

St. Jerome Emiliani himself and the infant Somascan Order lived in a decadent time. It was almost the same time as the Protestant Reformation of Luther. St. Jerome helped very much in the Counter Reformation program of the Church together with the Saints of his time. He was teaching catechesis to the farmers right in the fields. He was voluntarily helping them in manual work and teaching them the Scriptures and Catechesis during rests. He was also doing the same for the young people including the orphans. He was teaching them even on streets.

St. Pius V saw the great contributions of the Somascan Fathers in the field of Charity and Catechetical Instruction so he gave us full canonical status without further difficulties.

I have read in one biographies of Blessed Pope John XXIII that when St. Pius V became Pope he was already 75. He came to the conclave leaning on a stick and looking very weak. But when he was elected he threw away his stick and started working with great energy for the internal reform of the Church, systematization of the Liturgy, Canon Law and many others. So that he became one of the greatest Popes in history.

The Word Made Flesh