Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Marinduque: The Beauty of Nature Proclaims the Glory of God

Pictures and Narration by Dr. Herbert

"The Heavens declares the Glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork..." proclaims the psalmist.

A small island-province in Central Philippines, Marinduque speaks of such profound natural beauty that will not escape the notice of a well seasoned traveller. The island-province is divided into six municipalities namely Boac - the Capital, Mogpog, Gasan, Buenavista, Santa Cruz and Torrijos. It hit world wide attention in 1996 becuse of the environmental damage caused by the spilt of the mine tailings on the Boac River. But despite of this tragic event, the island-province has done its best to overcome the negative consequences brought by the accident. The outstanding characteristics of the Marinduquenos in general is their is their friendliness and hospitality.
I considered my recent visit to Marinduque as a grand homecoming. It was twenty years ago since I visited the Island-Province. Nothing much has changed, except that most of the main roads are now paved, more vehicles on the road and of course the improved nautical highway.
The wooden boat that use to fly the Balanacan-Dalahican ports is now gone and is replaced by larger and safer ferry boats. However, one thing is sad - there is no more airline service to the island. There use to be the Philippine Airlines, but it suspended its service some years ago. Then there was the Asian Spirit, but it also decided to suspend flights. The cost and the lack of regular customers perhaps were the reasons for the suspension of the flights. But with the "roll-on-roll-off" service, travel by sea has been made more efficient and safe. Those wishing to visit Marinduque can take the Bus from Manila to Lucena City in Quezon Province and from there take the ferry boat from Dalahican to Balanacan. Travel by ferry takes three hours on the average.

Elephant Island

A couple of days before the conclusion of the field practicum of my students, we decided to tour Marinduque. We passed by this beautiful scenery I caputured on the camera. It was a stormy and windy day because of typhoon Cosme and the moonsoon rains. We though we came at the wrong time. But no... It was actually a blessing in disguise. The island you see on the picture is called Elephant Island - called elephant because its shape, as seen from a distance, resembles that of a reclining elephant.
The seeming isolation of this small islet reminds us of the need to trust in the Lord. They that trust in the Lord shall remain forever. Oh Lord how wonderful are you in all the earth.

Stormy Shores along the Gasan - Buenavista Route

I was sitting in front of the Jeepney. I took this picture while we were driving the Gasan - Buenavista Route. The Tres Reyes Islands as seen from the stormy seas. We made this trip on a stormy day. This event reminded me of the words from the Scriptures which say, "Even the storm engulfed us, we will trust in the Lord... Oh Lord our God how wonderful is your name in all the earth..."

A Fisherman's Shanty on the Shore of Lipata, the Elephant Island on the Background

A lone fisherman's shanty along the shore. The poverty and the humility of this home evokes pity, but I am reminded of our Lord's Incarnation. He was born poor, in a stable, and wrapped in swaddling clothes. Christ said that the foxes have holes, the birds have nests but the Son of Man has no where to lay his head.
"Poverty let me be your sister that like Christ and like St. Francis I may discover the true wealth that lasts to eternal life, where moth nor rust will not destroy. Who will separate us from the love of God? shall persecution, poverty, death, etc..., no... no one will separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus..."

Poctoy White Beach, Torrijos, Marinduque

Poctoy white beach in Torrijos, Marinduque. The Marinduquenos are proud of this beach. On our way home a young gentleman approached me and introduced himself as the Vice-Mayor of the Municipality. He asked me how I found their beach and he wished that I would have enjoyed my stay. He was apologetic that about the weather. We came on a windy day because of the storm Cosme and the brewing low pressure area somewhere near Cagayan. I assured the Vice-Mayor that we really enjoyed our stay. The Marinduquenos are really very friendly. They will never hesitate to approach strangers and they will show every form of hospitality if only to please their guests. This reminded me of the Pauline instruction to be hospitable, because some unknowingly have entertained angels. Hospitality is a virtue and not every one has it. But one thing is sure, hospitality is second nature to almost every one in this island. Majority of the people here are not rich in terms of material possessions, but they are rich in goodwill and hospitality towards guests and strangers.

Wood Carvings on Display

The island is rich in flora and fauna. There are different birds and flowers around the island. This is reflected in their wood carvings. Most ornamental carvings in Gasan portrays birds, flowers and the omnious Longinus of the Moriones. Birds, butterflies and flowers are often featured in their carvings, perhaps because once upon a time this beautiful island was home to a variety of birds and butterflies.

Ornamentals for Sale

The wood carvings of colorful birds are really beautiful. This never failed to fascinate me.

Shoppers Delight

Shoppers bargaining and haggling with souvenir vendors. In this island, there seems to be no fixed price. Haggling is an art and a way of life. One has to be skillful in the art of human relations. But Marinduquenos are very generous and ever ready to grant concessions. We found great bargains on this shop in Gasan.

Beautiful Handicrafts

Carvings of Longinus masks. Marinduque is a place where the legend of Longinus is celebrated every Holy Week of each year. Hence Marinduque though a small island is known for the Moriones Festival.

Souvinir Shop in Gasan, Marinduque

There are not too many shops in Gasan, but this one truly satisfied our wants and curiosity.

The Giant Image of Our Lady of Immediate Succor, Mogpog, Marinduque

"My Lady your beauty is above all..." The giant image of Our Lady of Immediate Succor stands proud at the Balanacan Port in Mogpog Marinduque. Balanacan is the entry point for passengers going to Boac and the low lying areas of Marinduque. This giant image proclaims the faith of the Marinduquenos. The people of Marinduque are deeply religious. It is interesting to note that Cardinal Vidal of the Archdiocese of Cebu is a Native of Mogpog, Marinduque.

Clouds, Sunny Skies, Nipa and Bamboo Hut

A typical native hut. This picture was taken from the shores of Banuyo. Our friend Aling Consol arranged for us to get a pump boat that will take us to the beautiful Tres Reyes Islands. I met Aling Consol twenty years ago and she was delighted to see me again and she said many things has changed in my appearance and bearings. I told her that I have grown older...

Small Fishing Boat

A small fishing boat ready to sail.

Pristine waters and Coral Shores

A coral shore in one of the islets known as Tres Reyes. Named after the Three wise men who presented gifts at the Nativity of Our Lord. These three islets are named, Melchor, Baltazar and Gaspar. A famous diving area rich in bio-diversity. We enjoyed our entire afternoon in this beach. The waters were clean and crystal clear. The sun was pure and the air was one hundred percent fresh.

Cool and inviting waters off Tres Reyes, a Diver's Delight

The submerge portion of the shore of Tres Reyes. This is not white sand but small particles of corals gathered by the current of the sea and naturally form a shore like appearance. The view looks very inviting, but you must be a good swimmer because the waters are deep. If you decide to walk on these coral formations be sure you know how to swim.

The National Museum in Boac

Boac Hotel and the Main Street

Marinduque State College Student's Dormitory

Our group comprising of fifty-five persons all in all stayed on this Dormitory for a week. This is the student's dormitory of the Marinduque State College in Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog, especially the pictures. I just want your readers to know, that my private resort in Amoingon, Boac is now open to the public. For details, please visit my website: www.chateaudumer.com

David B. Katague

The Word Made Flesh