Photos and narration by Dr. Herbert
Jesus said, "...and when I am lifted up, I will draw all men unto me."

St. John the Evangelist
Organizational Structure of the Diocese of Boac
The Vision of the Diocese as shown on the bulletin Board: "A Church of the Poor, with Justice, Love and Peace." Catholic Doctrine teaches that the Diocese is the local Church with the faithful gathered around their Bishop as the Head of the Local Church, successor to the apostles. The Bishop in communion with other Bishops must stand united to the Successor of St. Peter, the Bishop of Rome, in doctrine, praxis and faith, bound by the chain of obedience.
Benedict XVI, Supreme Pontiff
The portrait of Pope Benedict XVI in the receiving room of the Chancery. Unlike other Bishops, the Bishop of Rome exercises universal jurisdiction, possess infallibility in matters of doctrine and faith. Every one is bound by obedience to the occupants of the Chair of St. Peter. Hence in every chancery, pastoral offices and other religious houses it is customary to display the portrait of the reigning Pontiff to show its allegiance to Rome and demonstrate its Catholicity.
Most Rev. Reynaldo G. Evangelista, D.D. Bishop of Boac
The Bishop is the leader of the local Church. In his Church he is father, leader and teacher. The exalted quality that a Bishop must possess is his ability to teach. They stand as a successors of the apostles. The Bishop possess the fulness of the Priesthood, a High Priest. We owe our obedience to our Bishop.
Venerating the Crucified Christ
I could not help it but be moved by personal piety to touch and pray before the crucified image of Christ found in the side wall of the church building.
A Collection of Pre-Vatican II Missals, Chalices, Ciboriums, Humeral Veils and Photos at the Chancery of Boac Cathedral
An Old Missal
An Old Missal and Sacramentary With the reforms after the Second Vatican Council, many churches underwent repair in order to suit the principles promoted by the reformed Liturgy. For instance, many churches have to build a new altar detached from the wall and also the removal of the communion rails. And also the beautiful baroque reredos and the saints. In Boac however, they have retained the ornate and baroque sty reredos. Its inspiring to see how these marvelous works of art are preserved. Art is not simply a passing expression of emotion but it also en capsulize principles and beliefs. Thus the church places importance in religious art. Let me share with you some photos I have taken while touring the Boac Cathedral. To me it was not just a simple visit, but it was a "mini-pilgrimage". Once I saw the image of the Virgin, it evoked peace and tranquility in my heart. Right there and then I know that the Blessed Lady is watching over us and extending his protection over us.
Carved Angel Perched on the branches of a vine on the side of the Reredo.
Both in the Bible and in Tradition Angels play important roles in the history of salvation. During the time of Moses, the Lord instructed him to put an image of an angel before the Ark of the Covenant. Angles are ministers of the Lord especially in the worship of God. It was said that angels are organized according to Choirs. Isaiah the prophet, when brought into the vision of God bowed down in humble adoration and felt his unworthiness. He heard the angels without ceasing sung the words "Holy, Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty, Lord of hosts..." Thus in the Mass we join the angels in singing the song of praise to God. St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians told the Christians in Corinth to behave well and to be orderly in their assemblies because the angels are watching, ready to minister according to the word of God. Angles are also messengers as in the case of St. Gabriel, they are also healers as in the case of St. Raphael.
Our Lady of SalvationI was surprised to see the image of Our Lady of Salvation in one of the side altars. This image of Our Lady is the Patron Saint of the diocese where I belong, the Diocese of Legazpi. This is a venerated image in the entire province of Albay. In the icon, the Lady is depicted as drawing souls out of perdition and distributing help to those in need. Indeed, our Lady continues her work in cooperation with the Most Blessed Trinity. Truly a handmaid of the Lord. By her intercessions and prayers she helps souls discover the goodness of God.
St. Luke the EvangelistSt. Luke one of the companions of St. Paul, a teacher of the Word of God, an Evangelist and a writer. His rendetion of the Gospel appear to be scholarly reflecting his status as a learned physician. This nearly life size carved image is in the main door of the Cathedral.
The Gate of the Cathedral Church
"Come to me all of you who are burdened, learn of me for I am meek and Humble of Heart."
Unlike the pharisees who created man made laws to burden the faithful, the teachings of Christ is simple, it makes people holy, and enduces one to love the Lord with a pure heart. For he said, "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light..."

An Angel perched on the Gate of the Cathedral as in the gesture of Protecting the Church.
The ancients believed that every Church has a guardian angel. Thus when we attend the Mass it behooves us to be conscious of this reality - that we have a powerful guardian always ready to protect us.

The Ornate Door of the Cathedral Church, depicting the four evangelists, Luke, Matthew, John and Mark.
I was so fascinated with this door. My companions keep on bugging me why I feel so fascinated by this door. I really dont know why, perhaps its because they have the image of the four evangelists. The author of Gospels I love so much and has been part of my childhood.

Pentecost Sunday at Boac Cathedral, from Left my students Gebar and Andrei, myself and Mrs. Gina Oropesa
The Boac Cathedral dedicated to the Immaculate Conception has a two hundred years or so history. As the marker indicates, that in the past its fortress like structure has been a shelter for both Spaniards and Natives during intermittent attacks from pirates and roving Moros. The structure really facinates me. The Cathedral is situated on top of a hill known as Mataas na Bayan (Tagalog term for Village on Top of a Hill) overlooking the town of Boac. Its towering belfry calls the faithful of Boac to Prayer at the same time it is also used to warn people of impending dangers, such as fires and attacks from pirates during the 17th century.
Christ Over the Skyline of BoacThe Towering Image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in front of the Chancery Overlooking the Main Street of Boac with Jesus in the gesture of extending both a Blessing and an invitation.
The Social Hall
The Social Hall of the Chancery where my students attended a lecture given by Members of the Staff of the Social Action Center of the Diocese of Boac
Visiting the Bishop's Private Chapel
This is the Chapel of the Bishop. Very beautiful, quiet and if you are a lover of art you will recognize its beauty, dignity and simplicity. Displayed on the Chapel is the Image of Our Lady of Immediate Succor, Patroness of the Diocese of Boac.
Holy Water Font at the Entrance
Its interesting to observe that in Boac the faithful still dip their fingers in Holy Water Fonts before entering the church. Our Catechism says that Holy Water can remove venial sins when in a state of grace we bless ourselves with it.
The Main Gate to the Cathedral Church

Newly Built Shrine to the Virgin of Biglang-Awa
We feel blest for being the first one to attend Holy Mass in this newly built chapel. The Priest who celebrated mass said that it was the first time that a Mass was held in this newly built chapel. Indeed what a blessing and a sign of grace.
Marker at the Boac Cathedral