Thursday, November 1, 2018


Why we need to pray for the souls of the dead instead of partying and thinking that our departed loved ones are our guides and protectors. I have noticed that in most recent times beliefs in some Catholics have changed somehow. Perhaps as a result of poor catechesis or the failure of the ministers of the church to teach properly and correctly the doctrines of the church about eschatology and the life after death. I often heard some say, "Oh he or she is already in heaven". In some conversations and even in social media I hear people posting to even tweeting that their departed loved ones are already in heaven and is guiding them. I think this is a wrong notion because we are already canonising our dead as if they are saints and are in heaven somewhere. The reality is that the souls of our dead need our prayers. Though if we die in faith and in the grace of God we are assured of salvation because Jesus paid for it and Himself being the ransom. But divine justice demands that we are still accountable for the consequences of our actions. This is the reason why though controversial, the church has maintained its belief on purgatory, some sort of interregnum between this present life and the world to come, where the souls suffer the consequences of their actions. Only the merits of the mass and the prayers of the faithful can help them pay for the consequences for since their souls are in prison, they cannot do anything for themselves, except our prayers. So instead of expensive flowers and partying why don't we simply lit a candle, symbol of prayer, for the peace of the souls of the dead, that God may grant them mercy and release them from the purgatorial fire and see the light? I wish we could change our preset pop culture about the dead because it is too pagan and far from the Christian notion of life after death. It is sad that even in funerals we don't hear the priest talk about sin, heaven and judgement. Sometimes the sermon is just a pep talk to make people feel comfortable. Some priests don't preach anymore about the last judgement and how we should be conscious of that. Today let us be reminded to pray for our love ones. They need masses, they need prayers, they don't need food anymore so don't party in the cemetery, it is also unthinkable to be eating in a place where bones and decaying bodies are buried beneath. The souls of the dead do not our karaoke or singing.. They don't need jamming, they are already dead and they need our prayers.

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