Saturday, February 15, 2014

Perfection: The Hallmark of Christianity

MY SUNDAY REFLECTIONS: From Matthew 5:17-37

Perfection: The Hallmark of Christianity
By Herbert B. Rosana, Ph.D.

“For unless your perfection exceeds that of the Pharisees, you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Judaism of Jesus’ time in Palestine  emphasizes strict adherence to the Mosaic Law.  Through the course of time, the Jews compiled several books of commentaries called the Talmud which form part of the Mosaic Law, or an addition to the Torah (the commandments found in the first five books of the Bible).  There were customs attached to the practice of the Mosaic Law.  At that time, to be a true believer is to perfectly obey the Law.  Because of this there was a marked difference between the common man and the Pharisees as well as the other sects of Judaism.  While the common people were considered ignorant and sinners, the Pharisees pride themselves of being the teachers of the law and obedient to the Law.

Christ, in the course of His ministry has rebuked the hypocrisy of these teachers of the Law.  Being a teacher in His own right, Christ has introduced a new way of interpreting the Law.  In so much so that He said that unless we surpass the righteousness of the Pharisees we shall not enter the Kingdom of God.  This is indeed a radical teaching.  Something that will catch the ire of contemporary teachers of the Law.  An idea that will stir controversy. 

Controversial at it may be.  Jesus in His teaching was introducing the message of grace.  One who is familiar with the books of the New Testament will see how St. Paul the apostle expounded on this theology of grace.  Since it was incapable for humankind to achieve holiness on their own free will, it is necessary that God in His omnipotence should intervene in order to strengthen the human person to obey the will of God.  Human beings on their own are bound to fail because of mortal sin.  St. Augustine introduce the doctrine of Original Sin.  Original Sin means the sinful tendencies, which made us enemies of God that we inherited from our first parents, Adam and Eve.  The effect of Adam’s disobedience darkened the soul and nature of human beings.  It clouded the image of God in us, but not completely.  Blurry as it may be the image of God is still in us.  That is why St. Paul was moved to say that even among the Gentiles who have never known God; His Eternal Law is inscribed in their consciences.  That there is a door of reconciliation, but this door or this way is a way defined by God and not by humans.  The various customs created by the Pharisees were too complicated to follow.  One would have spent a life time memorizing and mastering these laws, but it is of no help to human beings because no matter how they memorize these laws they are bound to disobey, because the force of sin is still much around the corner.

The only way by which humans can be delivered from sin is for them to accept Christ and believe in Him.  “I will send you the Comforter” says Christ.  To strengthen us and to save us.  Human beings need the “Grace of God” in order to be saved from these sinful tendencies.  We do not merit these graces, we do not work for it because it is something given by God freely.  This teachings should remind us of the grace we receive in Baptism, how Go forgave us of our sinfulness and washed us clean by the saving waters of Baptism.  It made us friends with God.  But sometimes we also commit mistakes and humans as we are, we are bound to commit mistakes and because of this the Church has provided us the Sacrament of Penance.  One thing I appreciate with our church is that it affords us the means of sanctification.  We say that the Catholic Church is Holy; it is holy because it has Christ for its founder, and it has the means by which human beings /her members could be made holy.  For if God will not make us holy, we will never be holy on our own.  This is the meaning of Grace.  And Grace comes through hearing and hearing the Word of God.  The overflowing of grace is not a onetime experience but it is a lifetime process.  A continuous action in metanoia. A transformation of the self. 

To be truly pleasing to God is not through servile obedience to the Law, but the continuous surrender of one’s will to God by listening to the Word of God and obedience.  Once filled with this faith and with this grace, our obedience to God will be perfect.  As Christ said, that the Law is subsumed into two commandments: (1) Love God above all things and (2) Love your neighbour as you love yourself.  It is only through this grace of God in Jesus that we win our sonship in the Kingdom of God, and in the course of conversion we win the friendship of God.  When we do what is pleasing to God that is the sign of friendship.  When grace is overflowing, truth and justice will follow.  For the Law came through Moses, but Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ our Lord.

May God transform us to what He wants us to be, and may He grant us the grace to be perfect for this is the mark of our being Christians.


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