Wednesday, June 30, 2010

With Faith in God Nothing is Impossible!

"With faith in God nothing is impossible," says Pope Benedict XVI.  In his homily on the vespers on the eve of the feasts of Sts. Peter and Paul, he reiterated the need to trust and believe in God.  That things can be done not on our strength but it can be accomplished by our faith in God.  He also spoke of the need for the New Evangelization, to reach out to countries who has deep Christian root but now because of the influence of militant secularism has abandoned faith in God. Let me share with you this quote from the Holy Father's homily:

Taking up this legacy, I have been able to affirm, at the beginning of my Petrine ministry, that the Church is young, and open to the future. And I repeat it today, near the sepulcher of St. Paul: The Church is an immense force of renewal in the world, not because of her strength, but because of the force of the Gospel, in which the Holy Spirit of God breathes, the God Creator and Redeemer of the world. [emphasis supplied] The challenges of the present age are certainly beyond human capacities; they are the historical and social challenges, and with greater reason, the spiritual challenges. At times it seems to us pastors of the Church that we are reliving the experience of the Apostles, when thousands of needy persons followed Jesus, and he asked: What can we do for all these people? They then experienced their impotence. But Jesus had in fact demonstrated to them that with faith in God nothing is impossible, and that a few loaves and a few fish, blessed and shared, could satiate all. But it was not -- and is not -- only hunger for material food: There is a more profound hunger, which only God can satiate. (Source: June 28,2010)

Today the profound challenge for the  pastors of the Church is how to respond to the need of the faithful who now in moder times are confronted with varied challenges.

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