Friday, March 26, 2010

Defenders of the Faith

There is a CNS report defending the church here is an excerpt:

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Vatican defended a decision not to laicize a Wisconsin priest who sexually abused deaf children, despite the recommendation of his bishop that he be removed from the priesthood. In a statement responding to a report in the New York Times, the Vatican said that by the time it learned of the case in the late 1990s, the priest was elderly and in poor health. The Vatican eventually suggested that the priest continue to be restricted in ministry instead of laicized, and he died four months later, the Vatican said.

For the full story READ HERE

I also follow Fr.Z's comments on his blog and here is an excerpt.
I know that Holy Catholic Church in its human dimension has to undergo this purification.  It simply has to happen.  The Church will always be attacked from without and within, as part of a constant purification.  And I would be inconsistent indeed were I not to apply what I constantly mention to those going through a harsh purification.  St. Augustine said about Christ, Physician of the soul, who corrects us sometimes with nearly unbearable means: "The doctor doesn’t stop cutting just because the patient is screaming for him to stop."

You can follow through Fr. Z's article Here

All these events are sad indeed.  I feel that there is a concerted plan in the secular and anti-Catholic media to discredit the Holy Father and His collaborators.  God is great and on this month of St. Joseph, may this humble and great father intercede and protect our Pope, our leaders and the faithful ones.

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