An AFP report states that there is warming of relationship between the Holy See and Moscow. President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia signed a decree establishing full diplomatic relation between Moscow and the Holy See. It was said that the government of Russia would have not done this without the concurrence of the Partriarchate of Moscow. The rapproachment between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church is a concrete sign and a positive outcome of ecumenism. Today more than ever Christianity faces a common enemy in militant secularism that seeks to put religion in the sphere of private life and make relativism as the philosophy behind its morality. A Europe that does not look back at its past and negates the role of Christianity in shaping its culture will never find itself. Materialism is nothing. It is souless. It will not last the beatings of time. Christ said He who hears my word and do them is like a man who builds his house upon a rock. Let us pray for our Church, that they may be one.
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