Saturday, October 3, 2009

Of Pro Abortion Catholic Politicians and The Eucharist

"When the Church states that to take part in or request an abortion, to take an active role in one way or the other, the person incurs automatically excommunication. This means that politicians should become aware and they should be helped to become aware of the gravity of their conduct. When they approve laws against life, in favour of abortion or euthanasia, priest and bishops should say this. I don't know if there's going to be a document on the politicians who are in favour of abortion, but the politicians have to be conscious of the teachings of the Church that I have just pointed out" (Interview with Cardinal Canizares Llovera by )

There are times when people who approved of abortion reason out casually that receiving that Eucharist is like a social function where one cannot be excluded and to do so would be tantamount to discrimination. This is where modern politicians get it wrong. The Eucharist is not a mere social event where everyone is accepted. It is the highest expression of communion - oneness and unity of faith. The faith that saves us. This is the reason why anyone who accepts communion must be in a state of grace and in agreement with the teachings of Christ and His Church. Interpretation of Christ's teaching is not a private matter but it is the Church designated by Christ to teach. Communion is a pledge of salvation. The gravity of this matter was expressed by St. Paul when he ascribes condemnation to the person who receives the Body of Christ unworthily. For indeed it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God says the Scriptures. Bishops must be vigilant on this and not allow political accommodation to prevail. A coward attitude should not be masquerade as pastoral prudence. Often negligence and fear hides itself in the terms of "pastoral care". Our pastors should imitate St. John the Baptist who without fear reproves Herod for his adulterous relationship. Let us pray for our priests.

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