Marriage is a relationship between two persons, it imparts life to both partners and gives birth to new life. Much like a tree exposed to the elements and yet grows stronger as time goes on.
Recently I was invited by a former student of mine to be one of the principal sponsors of his wedding. The wedding was held at the Personal Parish of St. Jude Thadeus in Legazpi City that caters to the needs of the Filipino - Chinese Community. Weddings are really happy moments to cherish but as I went along with the rite, this led me to medidate on the beauty of Marriage and how its symbolism is closely tide up with the coming kingdom. This is precisely why Christian marriage is a sacrament because it points us to that reality of the Marriage of the Lamb and His bride (the church). Jesus in His teachings have compared marriage to the Kingdom of God. In Matthew 22:1-14 the Lord likened the Kingdom of God to a King who had set the wedding of His Son. Those specifically invited did not respond thats why the King destroyed them. Those who were not supposed to be invited were the ones invited, but the invitation also needs preparation. Christ expects us to attend in poper attire. Thus in the parable the Master castigated the person who responded to the invitation but was not properly attired. Hence the Master responded, "Friend, how comest thou in hither not having on a wedding garment? But he was silent. Then the King said to the waiters, Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the exterior darkeness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (v.12-13). This parable of Our Lord made use of the wedding scene in order to illustrate to us the reality of the Kingdom of God. This further illustrates to us the eschatological teachings of Christ. That in the end, the Last Judgement Day is like a wedding ceremony everyone is expected to be dressed in a wedding garment. This wedding garment represents holiness. As Christians we should be dressed up in holiness. Our faith, the merits of Christ's Sacraments, and the goodness imparted to us by God should be our wedding garment and jewels on the last day. If we are clothed in holiness then we are ready for that great day. I feel blessed in attending that wedding ceremony because it gave me opportunity to meditate and to reflect on the truth of the gospel. Today even as the concept of marriage is attacked by secularism, which seeks to altaer the true meaning of marriage. The more that we should be earnest in upholding the truths of God.
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