Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pray for Life

"Arrests of those protesting President Barack Obama’s speech and honorary degree at the University of Notre Dame’s commencement ceremony have continued today. One Southern Baptist pastor reported that he witnessed an elderly priest being dragged on the ground by security." Read More of this from CBCP.net

Indeed this is very sad news. I am sure may stories have been written about these on the net and in news sources. But one thing that really strikes me is how this great evil of abortion has been finding its way in the world. It is indeed a scandal that a Catholic Universtiy President would invite and confer an honorary degree on a person who is opposed to the moral and fundamental teachings of the Church. As Catholics we should make a stand for life and never waver. Jesus said "woe unto him who causes scandal, it would be better for him that a millstone be tied on his neck and be thrown on the sea, than to cause one of this little ones to fall."

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