Sunday, May 10, 2009

Benedict XVI in Jordania: To Draw All Things to His Divine Life

Let us all unite and pray for the success of the Holy Father's Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

"The Church herself is a pilgrim people and thus, through the centuries, has been marked by determinant historical events and pervading cultural epochs. Sadly, some of these have included times of theological dispute or periods of repression. Others, however, have been moments of reconciliation - marvellously strengthening the communion of the Church - and times of rich cultural revival, to which Eastern Christians have contributed so greatly. Particular Churches within the universal Church attest to the dynamism of her earthly journey and manifest to all members of the faithful a treasure of spiritual, liturgical, and ecclesiastical traditions which point to God's universal goodness and his will, seen throughout history, to draw all into his divine life."

Papal Homily at Vespers in Jordan as Reported by

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