Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Role of Catholic Universities

Ever since I have discovered the Divine Mercy devotion and been observing this annually, I was thinking of what other intentions I should have for this novena that will start tomorrow,on Good Friday. Aside from my personal intentions I was thinking of what else to bring to the Lord. Reading some of the great news and blogs over the net, my attention was directed to the University of Notre Dame's invitation for President Barack Obama to speak at its commencement exercises. How sad that Catholic Universities instead of upholding the teaching of the church, causes scandal and confusion by giving platform to persons who support positions that are fundamentally opposed to the Doctrine of the Church. It is true that this event has weaken the vigorous campaign of the Church against abortion. It undermines the efforts of the Church to combat and confront this great evil of modern times - ABORTION and the evils committed against the unborn child. Let us pray for this and include this in our intentions.

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