Here are some photos of the Good Friday Liturgy at St. John the Baptist Parish in Tabaco City, Albay, Philippines. The pictures may not be of good quality because I used my camera phone to capture these moments. But nonetheless I am pleased to share them with you and would like to share with you all the blessings and spiritual graces I received by participating in this liturgy.
After the Reflections on the Seven Last Words, the Body of Christ was taken from the Cross to prepare for the Good Friday Liturgy.
The Crucified Christ taken from the Cross.
I want to share with you this video clip, a part of the Good Friday Liturgy here in my home parish of Tabaco City. This image of the Crucified Christ together with the two thieves is actually an antique images. Seldom do churches display the image of the two thieves. But here in our parish, the diorama is complete. This is actually a very large and populous parish. The priests started offering confessions since 8:00 a.m. but it was already 12:00 nn and the Good friday liturgy was about to start, and there were still ling lines of penitents. So our Parish Priest was compelled to extend and offer a General Absolution to allow the multitude of penitents the chance to receive communion. But he reminded the penitents that if they get a chance to go on actual confession that they should do so and mention that they have receive the general absolution. Our parish has a huge population and it is very difficult to minister to this large number of faithful with very few priests around.
Video Clip: Christ taken from the Cross
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