Saturday, March 28, 2009

Press Release from the Superior General of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X

At the request of the Holy See, we have decided that the ordinations to the subdiaconate scheduled to take place in Zaitzkofen in Germany, on the upcoming Saturday, March 28, will be performed at the seminary of Econe on the same date.

This decision is intended as a gesture of appeasement after the lifting of the unjust condemnations borne by the bishops of the Society and the violent reactions which ensued. As a matter of fact, we regret that certain bishops took advantage of it to launch an open rebellion against the Sovereign Pontiff. We are especially disgusted by the attitude of the German bishops who never ceased to display a hostility devoid of any charity toward us, and continually attributed the worst intentions to whatever we did, treating us with hatred, without misgiving or restraint” as the Holy Father rightly pointed out in his letter of March 10.

We know that, in the Church’s eyes, and with regard to the law of the Church, our situation is imperfect. This is nothing new and is closely bound to the crisis which the Church is undergoing and from which the state of necessity stems. Hence, it is useless to invoke the law in an attempt to stifle the life of our priestly society The other ordinations will take place as scheduled; there never was a question of their suppression. Indeed, the benevolent act of the Holy See cannot be interpreted as a desire to asphyxiate the Society of St. Pius X.

We hold fast to the plan indicated in the decree of this past January 21, which foresees “requisite discussions” concerning the Second Vatican Council and its novelties. We reiterate to the Holy Father the assurance of our prayers so that from these doctrinal discussions may come forth the full light of complete Truth.

Menzingen, March 24, 2009
+Bernard Fellay

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