As I have said in my earlier blog, the season of Lent is now in the air and we have to revive and continue with this beautiful tradition of our own - Visita Iglesia. This afternoon I happen to visit the church of Daraga trying to arrange for the Baccalaureate Mass for our College graduation. Fortunately I had with me my camera and I took this opportunity to take some photo shots. Let me share with you some of these photos and may I also share with you scriptures quotes and reflections:
"As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, "stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over." So he went on with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him, and he vanished from their sight." Luke 24:28-31 [NRSV]
How often in the walk of life we fail to see the Lord? How often are we led to trials because of our ambitions and lack of charity? How often are we blinded by our love for self? Sometimes we do not even recognize ourselves in our most pitiable situation. But there are moments when there are clouds we a silver lining. We see Jesus in the Bread and wine of the Eucharist. Unknown and unrecognizable by the world but manifests to us in reality by the eyes of faith. True faith does not question, it believes and obey. "Jesus, my dear Jesus, under the weight of this burden lift me up and may the Eucharist be a source of strength and life to me." That like the doubting St. Thomas we may exclaim - "My Lord and my God."
"Lord you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were broth forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God." Psalms 90:1-2 [NRSV]
O, Lord my God, you are eternal. We may wonder at the works of your hands, we may misuse it because of ignorance and greed, but reality remains that you are God. Help us to realize our dependence on you. That without you we can do nothing. For we reap what we have sown and we weep because of our foolishness. But your mercy O, Lord is everlasting. You are a God who forgives and restores. Lord as we look at the vastness of your work, help us to realize your greatness and recognize it with the assent of faith. Amen.
O, Lord my God, you are eternal. We may wonder at the works of your hands, we may misuse it because of ignorance and greed, but reality remains that you are God. Help us to realize our dependence on you. That without you we can do nothing. For we reap what we have sown and we weep because of our foolishness. But your mercy O, Lord is everlasting. You are a God who forgives and restores. Lord as we look at the vastness of your work, help us to realize your greatness and recognize it with the assent of faith. Amen.
"On the holy mount stands the city he founded; the Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God." Psalms 87:1-3 [NRSV]
The Church is our New Zion, it is built on the mountain of righteousness. We should be glad that with this New Zion we have a foretaste of Paradise. The liturgy of the Church, her sacraments and sacramentals, her pious devotions and above all the Eucharist speaks of the cosmic and transcendent reality of the Kingdom of God. How lovely is your dwelling place O, Lord. where sahll we go for you have the words of eternal life. Shall we trust the murky waters of this world's philosophy? No, we shall forever trust in the words of God.
The Church is our New Zion, it is built on the mountain of righteousness. We should be glad that with this New Zion we have a foretaste of Paradise. The liturgy of the Church, her sacraments and sacramentals, her pious devotions and above all the Eucharist speaks of the cosmic and transcendent reality of the Kingdom of God. How lovely is your dwelling place O, Lord. where sahll we go for you have the words of eternal life. Shall we trust the murky waters of this world's philosophy? No, we shall forever trust in the words of God.
The main Door. Notice the carvings. This church is an example of 17th Century Baroque colonial architechture. Built by the Franciscan Missionaries of the 18th Century, this church is an icon of Spanish-mexican Colonial Architecture. In times past Church vicariates serve not only the spiritual needs of the population but also serves as civil administration centers.
"I will ascend unto the mountain of the Lord"
How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts, My soul longs, indeed it faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God." Psalm 84:1-2, [NRSV]
Another view of the Church's Facade
"Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God. His holy mountain, beautiful in elevation, is the joy of all the earth, Mt. Zion, in the far north, the city of the great King, within its citadels God has shown himself a sure defence." Psalms 48:1-3 [NRSV]
There church as seen form a nearby cafe
GMA News has a story of this Historical Church, follow the this link for the story.
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