Friday, January 30, 2009

Positive Note for Ecumenical Dialogue

Assumption Cathedral in Smolensk

The election of the Metropolitan Kirril of Smolensk and Kalingrad as the New Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox was hailed by the Roman Catholic Curia in Rome as a boost for Ecumenism between the two churches with claims to apostolic succession. "We have known Kirill for many years now," Cardinal Walter Kasper explained to Vatican Radio. "He has a firm stance, but with him, one can dialogue." []. both the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church considers the Christian roots of European Civilization as the foundation for the survival of culture threathened with secularism. indeed it interesting that despite the difficulties facing the ecumenical relations among churches, both sister churches have expressed a positive note on the future role of Christianity on the continent shaped by centuries of Chriatianity. Indeed Christianity has endured as a unifying factor and transmitter of culture in Europe and has survived longer than all the civilizations that has appeared on the contenent. Let us pray for the Grace of God that all Christians will realize the need to pray and work hard to fulfill the Great Commission given by Christ. let us also pray for the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.

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