While browsing the internet I happen by chance to read the article of Dr. Alcuin Reid as featured in the NLM Site about the new approach to the SSPX Question. And his reference to the prodigal Son provided me with new insight into the whole situation. Indeed in many ways the teachings of the gospel is like a gem that pops up in times when we are searching for answers. There were misgivings on the part of those who cannot accept the decision of the Holy Father to lift the censure of excommunication on the four SSPX Bishops. I am very much convinced that when the Holy Father made this decision it was out of paternal mercy and a desire to foster unity. The schism which resulted from the episcopal consecrations in 1988 was a blot in the unity of the Church especially when the events came as a result of questions about the teachings of Vatican II. But the events that led to the lifting of the excommunications has proven that the balm of Mercy is more productive than the use of coercive means of discipline. The Pope has exercised the powers of the Key. The secular world may criticized the Pope and some of the liberal Catholics may criticize also but let it be. The most important is the process of healing has began. The Holy Father has been courageous in making these decisions which the world judges as politically incorrect. But what is the world? As Christians, our standard is the Gospel and not the world. The world is out there and everyone in the world is invited to accept the gospel and be saved. The Pope has done that which is right and he needs our prayers and support. Indeed, I am very grateful to this pope. As a Traditional Catholic I cannot but express my appreciation for his profound understanding of ecclesiology, combined with a sincere and intimate devotion to the Gospel of Christ.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Lesson of Mercy
While browsing the internet I happen by chance to read the article of Dr. Alcuin Reid as featured in the NLM Site about the new approach to the SSPX Question. And his reference to the prodigal Son provided me with new insight into the whole situation. Indeed in many ways the teachings of the gospel is like a gem that pops up in times when we are searching for answers. There were misgivings on the part of those who cannot accept the decision of the Holy Father to lift the censure of excommunication on the four SSPX Bishops. I am very much convinced that when the Holy Father made this decision it was out of paternal mercy and a desire to foster unity. The schism which resulted from the episcopal consecrations in 1988 was a blot in the unity of the Church especially when the events came as a result of questions about the teachings of Vatican II. But the events that led to the lifting of the excommunications has proven that the balm of Mercy is more productive than the use of coercive means of discipline. The Pope has exercised the powers of the Key. The secular world may criticized the Pope and some of the liberal Catholics may criticize also but let it be. The most important is the process of healing has began. The Holy Father has been courageous in making these decisions which the world judges as politically incorrect. But what is the world? As Christians, our standard is the Gospel and not the world. The world is out there and everyone in the world is invited to accept the gospel and be saved. The Pope has done that which is right and he needs our prayers and support. Indeed, I am very grateful to this pope. As a Traditional Catholic I cannot but express my appreciation for his profound understanding of ecclesiology, combined with a sincere and intimate devotion to the Gospel of Christ.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Positive Note for Ecumenical Dialogue
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Bishop Bernard Fellay Attributes Grace to the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary
In a A Letter of the Superior General of the priestly Society of St. Pius X Bishop Fellay attributed the grace of the lifting of the excommunication to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and as a fruit of the pilgrimage in Lourdes on the Feast of Christ the King in 2008. you can read the letter by following the link. In the conclusion of the Letter, Bishop Fellay wrote: "Dear faithful, the church is in the hands of His Mother, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. In her we place our confidence. We have asked from her the Freedom of the Mass of All Time everywhere and for all. We have asked from her the withdrawal of the decree of excommunications. in our prayers, we now ask from her the necessary doctrinal clarifications which confused souls so much need." [Emphasis supplied]
Vatican Lifts Excommunications of Four SSPX Bishops
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
An Opinion
My simple opinion is that while it is good that government agencies recognize the Church hierarchy as a moral force for honesty, it is not a good idea however that the Church should be involve in direct activities of public life such as the bidding of government projects. The Church teaches the gospel and encourages her members to live the gospel values, yet it is not prudent to be directly involve in bidding projects just to make sure that honesty and transparency is observed. The mission of the church is not to get involved in government activities but to teach the gospel of Christ. It is only when the gospel teachings have sunk into the hearts of men and women that they can be honest and transparent. Hence, it is not the presence of a church representative that could make the process transparent but the living gospel if lived by men and women will make all these process a good one. - This is just my opinion.
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Family As Evangelizer
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sto. Nino De Cebu: Icon of Philippine Evangelization
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The New Religion?
There are many things I appreciate about our Filipino Culture and I am equally proud as I am grateful for this aspect of our culture that openly declares faith in God. In many offices, both public and private, in homes, commercial centers we always have these symbols of our Catholic faith displayed openly and unabashed. Despite of the so called “separation of Church and State”, it does seem that we Filipinos can happily mixed religion with our public life. Indeed it can be interpreted that separation of Church and State does not necessarily mean that the state forbids the display of religion but rather the state will not fund religious activities in order to ensure that the freedom of religion is guaranteed. But the state under this principle of separation does not mean that religion should not be promoted. The state should indeed promote the practice of religion because every religion promotes moral living and therefore directly promotes good citizenship. But sometimes it saddens me when I see that in other countries particularly in some western countries that the open display of faith is forbidden in public but atheism and agnosticism is promoted openly under the guise of civil liberty. I don’t know where they got the idea that civil liberty is equivalent to atheism or agnosticism. Or this is this simply a regime of secularism espousing atheism and agnosticism as its religion?
In relation to this there is a very interesting news item I came across yahoo news. Let me quote a portion of this news. You can visit their website if you wish to read the whole story.
"I was just about to board and there it was staring me in the face, my first reaction was shock horror," driver Ron Heather told BBC radio. "I felt that I could not drive that bus, I told my managers and they said they haven't got another one and I thought I better go home, so I did," he said. [Emphasis Supplied]
The story was about a bus driver in London who was about to drive his bus but found that there was this advertisement that proclaims – THERES PROBABLY NO GOD: Now Stop Worrying and Enjoy your life. Indeed this bus driver should be commended for showing his indignation for this abuse. In a free society everyone has a right to express, but this public expression is not absolute. Public expression should not insult or spite the beliefs of others. For just as we want to exercise our right it should not infringe on the rights of others. Indeed I am worried when people begin to say that there is no God. For indeed when humans become a god to themselves, there is tyranny and pride.
The simple implication for us Filipinos is that we should preserve our innate tendency to trust in the Lord. For indeed why should we follow this line of thinking. Why should secularism enter our consciousness? I hope and pray that our society will not come to this point where there are people who will openly declare their defiance of God. This is the sin that cries out to heaven. God is a good God but He too is just and will not allow unbelief passed by unpunished if not repented by the sinner.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Christ and the Church
There is an interesting story featured on Catholic World News (CWN) about Pope Benedict’s reflection on the Epistles of St. Paul. Here is the quote [Emphasis supplied]:
The Church recognizes Christ as "greater than herself, because his lordship extends beyond her confines," the Pope said. Yet it is the Church, not the universe, that is recognized as the Body of Christ. "This means we must give positive consideration to worldly things," Pope Benedict said, "because Christ recapitulates them in Himself, and at the same time we must fully live our specific ecclesial identity, which is the closest to the identity of Christ Himself."
The Holy Father has touched on one of the most important aspect of the Church today. With the proliferation of ecumenism and including the proliferation of distorted views on ecumenism, here the Pope has emphasized the central teaching of the Church regarding its relationship to Christ and to the world. Here Christ is recognized as the Lord, that his lordship covers not only the church but also those of the world. Second the Holy Father has emphasized the unique role of the Catholic Church as the Body of Christ. Christ is the savior of the Church and as such it stands opposite those who are not saved because of unbelief. Indeed the church is exclusive not inclusive. The Church is a community, a community of the Baptized and believers.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Gloomy Days Ahead
Surrounding Hills of Legazpi City Covered with Haze
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Putting our Devotions in Proper Context
If there is one thing I appreciate about our Holy Roman Catholic Faith is because it has a chestful treasure of Devotions to supplement the Sacraments. However, in the myriad of these devotions it is always easy for someone who is uninstructed in the faith to loose the way. This is the main reason why I always feel that there is the extreme need to constantly educate the faithful about the faith. Today this is very difficult to achieve because of our secular education. Majority of the faithful send their children to public schools where religious instruction is voluntary and is even scarce or non-existent in some areas. Most often, the Sunday Mass is the only opportunity for the faithful to listen to religious instruction. Yesterday I came across an article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer reporting about how the homily of His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales of Manila was disrupted by a small group of people who were intent not on listening to the Homily, nor participation in the Mass but on getting nearer and touching the image of the Black Nazarene. This shows how these small groups of people driven by fanaticism fail to grasp the true context of the devotion. A quote from the PDI says: "“The small group that fanatically climbed to get to the Lord, that’s the example of what it should not be. That part has to be purified,” Rosales said. “The emotions, the fanaticism in it should not be there and that’s exactly what we are trying to tell the people.”(Source PDI Jan 10, 2009) The Holy Mass is more important than the processions because it is the apex of our worhsip of God. These devotions should in their proper context lead us to the Eucharist. The folkish expressions of the faith are good provided they are put along these context. There is a simple but clear explanation from Mother Angelica. According to Mother Angelica, novenas and devotions are like vitamin pills that supplements our diet. Hence these devotions are supplements to help us grow in our faith and in the realization of the true objective of our faith - holiness, love, hope and ultimately union with God. The Holy Eucharist is the most vivid and tangible expression of this ultimate goal. It is the window that gives us a foretaste of eternal life. For Christ said, that if we eat His flesh and drink His blood we shall have eternal life.
Towards a Mature Faith
Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno (Our Father Jesus Nazarene)
Dinarangal ka namin (We honor you)
Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno (Our Father Jesus Nazarene)
Niluluwalhati ka namin (We glorify you)
Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno (Our Father Jesus Nazarene)
Dinarangal ka namin (We honor you)
Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno (Our Father Jesus Nazarene)
Niluluwalhati ka namin (We glorify you)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Poong Jesus Nazareno: Pouring Blessings and Saving Assurance
January 9 is the feast of Jesus the Nazarene of the Basilica Minore of the Black Nazarene. Quiapo, Manila. Once again the fervency of faith of the Filipinos will be manifested on this feast. May Jesus the Nazarene fulfill the wishes of his suffering people.
This feast is one of the celebrated and popular folk expression of Catholicism. To the simple folk who wanted to meditate, reflect and relive the passion of Christ, the Black Nazarene is a form of expression. Indeed, God sees the heart of the devotees and He rewards them according to their faith. When the Ark of the Covenant was being carried to Jerusalem, King David danced like an ordinary person if only to offer God his best. So when Filipinos join the vast crowd for the barefoot procession, it is a sign of a deep faith, a simple faith that touches the heart of our Lord. It is sad that some of our leaders are trying to alter this tradition to suit their modernistic world views. But let us keep steadfast and continue with our walk with Jesus to Calvary. Beyond Calvary there is the Radiant Light.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Ordo on Line
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Star of Bethlehem
I have already posted several articles in the past about Our Lady of Penafrancia. Today I feel again moved to post another article about th...
Here is a message from D.P. Maturan: The Bishop of the Diocese of Cubao, his excellency Bishop Honesto F.Ongtioco, D.D., has permitted the...
St. Michael the Archangel Picture by Guido Reni In many towns and villages in the Philippines whose titular or Patron Saint is the Archangel...