Last December 10, 2008 our College celebrated teachers' day. The College Student Council (CSC) treated their mentors to a dinner party. Its heartwarming to see how students show their love and gratitude for their teachers. Teachers imparts not only knowledge and skills but also imparts values by their example and the impact of how they relate with their students. I myself never imagined that I would be a teacher. I've always wanted to be a minister of the Church but God has other designs. I've ended up being a teacher and later I landed a career in the academia. Being in the academia did not diminished my love for teaching. Teaching students, observing their progress, and seeing their potentials develop is enough reward for a teacher. This morning while cleaning my closets and my bookshelves I happen per chance to find this small card / bookmark inserted on my Bible. I remember this card was given to me by my religion teacher way back in 1980 when I was in second Year High School. I forgot her complete name but we call her Madam Joy. She was our religion teacher. She gave me this card as a present. And I am glad that I still have this card almost 28 years after. I don't know where Madam Joy is by now but the message of the card still ring in my memories and it truly captured the essence of the life I am living now. - To love Jesus Christ, to listen to his teachings, live it, witnessed to it while sojourning in this earth.

The scribbled message in the card reads:
December 80
Take this as a simple reminder from me and please try to contemplate once in a while on the following passage, "Apply thy whole mind to know Jesus Christ, thy whole heart to love him and all thy care to follow him, since for this alone you are a Christian."
Madam Joy

The picture portion of the card had this inspirational words printed: Lord, we believe that your love is the source of everything. The picture is that of a lotus pond. Among orientals the Lutos flower holds a spiritual significance. The Lotus and the lily grows in muddy ponds. But despite of the murky waters the Lotus is able to rise up and show the radiance and beauty of its flower despite the dirt and murkiness of the water. So too we humans despite of the sinfulness of this world are called to be holy and rise above this level and show forth and proclaim the beauty and holiness of God manifested in our lives. The world may think that this is foolishness. I would rather be called a "fool" for Christ sake than to live the fleeting and unsatisfying ways of the world. For to me to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. For they that believe in Jesus will never die but will have the light of life eternal. Merry Christmas to everyone.
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