Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Mother of All Churches

November 9, The Dedication of the Archbasilica of Our Saviour "St. John Lateran". The first Church ever consecrated. The Land was donated by the Laternal Family and later Emperor Constantine built a Church. The Church was consecrated by Pope St. Sylvester on November 9, 324 A.D.

"Deus, qui nos beati Theodori martyris tui confessione gloriosa circumdas et protegis; praesta nobis ex ejus imitatione proficere et oratione fulciri. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum..." [Collecta]

Today as we celebrate this feast we are reminded of the importance of the Church. This also reminds us of our connection with the See of St. Peter, the Pope. The full expression of our Church on earth is our union with the Pope and the living tradition of the Church. The Church though made of many members is one body united under Christ who is the head of the Mystical Church. This obedience to the mystical Head is more manifest if we are in union with the hierarchy of the Church. Pope Benedict in a recent sermon said that the Church is not a human organization form with the ideas of men, but rather the Church is of divine origin. It is a divine organization founded by Christ. The apex of its spirituality is the Eucharist. Today many ecclesial bodies not united with the See of Peter has found itself in sorry states. This is the main reason why worldly ideas such as feminism, relativism, liberation theology etc... has entered, divided and destroyed these organizations. This is because these organizations are simply human organizations. The church has continually stood for its Teachings. The many issues that are contrary to church doctrine has been refuted by the Church. Thus despite of unpopulartity the church has refused to sanction gay marriage, feminism, women priests, contraception and many others. And indeed, we should not conform to worldly ideas because "we are not of this world". The Kingdom of Christ is not of this world.

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