Monday, September 15, 2008

Pope Benedict to the Bishops of France

My Reflections on the Pope’s Message to the French Bishops

The two day visit of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in France, though short has touched the hearts of many French Catholics. French President has said that religion has a public role as opposed to the strict secularism that dominated the political landscape of the country. There is a need to rediscover and recognize that Christianity is the foundation of European Culture. The disillusionment with ideology and consumerism should drive Europeans to search for the roots of their culture and identity. Indeed France has been for so long been a Catholic Country since the time of Charlemagne. It has produced numerous saints and has contributed considerably to Catholic Culture. In one of his address, the Holy Father has called on French Bishops to be servants of unity and underscore the importance of the priesthood as irreplaceable and a very important office in the Church. The Holy Father as quoted by zenit said thus:

"It can never be said often enough that the priesthood is indispensable to the Church, for it is at the service of the laity. Priests are a gift from God for the Church. Where their specific missions are concerned, priests cannot delegate their functions to the faithful. Dear Brothers in the episcopate, I urge you to continue helping your priests to live in profound union with Christ. Their spiritual life is the foundation of their apostolic life. You will gently exhort them to daily prayer and to the worthy celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation, as Saint Francis de Sales did for his priests. Every priest should be able to feel happiness in serving the Church."

This short passage quoted from the message of the Holy Father rings with several important food for thoughts that perhaps could help us reflect on present realities. First it was underscored by the Pope that Priesthood is indispensable. There is no one that can replace the role of the Priest. The Ministerial Role of the Priest enables him to perform the sacred ministry. This is the reason why the Priest is called the minister of the Church because they are the one that dispenses, like vessels, the grace of God for all the faithful. The laity though possessing the common priesthood bestowed by virtue of baptism cannot perform the ministerial function of the Priesthood. The crisis in vocation today has posed problems for the Church. Second it is said that the Ministerial Priesthood cannot be delegated to anyone especially the administration of the sacraments and the proclamation of the Word of God. These two are the duties and mission of the priest. Third, The Spiritual Life is the foundation of the Priesthood. This can only be achieved when the priest practices spirituality by prayer and constant meditation on the Word of God and grounded in the living tradition of the Church. It is true that Priests like the faithful also experiences trials and problems as well as crisis. But a deep spiritual union will normally help them overcome these problems. The role of the Bishop is indeed pivotal. In many parishes today, we see priests more and more are acting like managers. Too interested in the social concerns of the faithful and less interested in the things that pertains to the worship of God? How many priests devotes time to the ministry of penance. How many priests sit on the confessionals on Sundays to hear the confessions of the faithful? How many parish priests dutifully recite the breviary? Fourth the priest should feel happiness in serving the Church. How is happiness experienced? Once vocation is internalized there will be happiness in serving. Let us pray for our Bishops and priests.

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