Tuesday, August 12, 2008


There is saying that if a person wants to be great either he writes a book or build a monument for himself so that he will be remembered by the next generation. Even in worldly places such as the shopping mall, treasures of infinite value can be found. During times when there is not so much work to do or simply feeling the need to unwind, I take some time to go on malling. My favorite shopping place is of course the shop that sells secondhand books. It is not only an opportunity to scour the shelves for novelty items but a chance to see old friends. A couple of years ago I found this book in a second hand book store. The title of the book is CHRIST AND HIS SACRAMENTS, actually this is a Theology 101 text book written by Thomas C. Donlan, O.P. and Augustine Rock, O.P. Both Lectors and Doctors in Sacred Theology (I don't exactly have any idea what lectors are, would it be an academic degree or title?, the book was published in 1958, a decade older than I am ). But the book is fascinating thats why I decided to buy the books and keep it for myself. Now it is one of my collections. And from time to time as the need arise I would re-read some portions of it. I found this book very solid in Catholic teaching than most modern college texts in Theology.

The Title Page

The Textbook offers a wide ranging discussion on many topics. But foremost it starts with a discourse on the Incarnation of Christ as the bedrock of Christianity. It also has a complete chapter devoted to the Virgin Mary. It has a vivid discussion on the Sacraments and the Mass.

A Portion of the Text that Discusses the Incarnation of Christ

On the Eucharist it says ....

"This is the Mystery of the Faith - the most august sacrament of the altar, the sacred sign of Christ which contains not his power only but Christ himself, his body, and blood truly and substantially present under the veil of the outward appearances of bread and wine." (page 366).

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