Narration by Dr. Herbert R.
and photos by the same unless otherwise indicated.
AITV5 Staff - cameramen and technician, all Electronics and Communications Engineering students of Aemilianum College. From left: Benjie, Jose Capsa, Arjay, Romeo, Arjay Duran and Chris Sesbreño. This is the first TLM Mass in Bicol Broadcast live over a local television. (This photo from the Splendor of the Church)
The Celebrant Fr. Abraham Arganiosa, CRS. At left is the author while on the right is Bro. Mark Bunag, a seminarian from the Diocese of Kalookan. In the group are the members of the Knights of the Altar.For the First time, on July 20, 2008, the Traditional Latin Mass in Sorsogon City under the auspices of the Somascan Community in Aemilianum College, Sorsogon City, made public the celebration of the TLM. The event was recorded and broadcast over ACITV-5, the local television station operated by the Aemilianum College. For the first time the Traditional Latin Mass in Sorsogon City was broadcast live over television. We were also grateful for the presence of Bro. Mark Robinson Bunag, a Seminarian from the Diocese of Kalookan, Metro Manila, Philippines who willingly served as Cantor and at the same time organist. He helped prepare the students to served as schola cantorum who sang the common parts of the mass such as the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei. It was indeed surprising that in just a short time the girls who sung the commons were able to get it almost near perfect. Moreover, Bro Mark excellently chanted the Introit, Graduale, and Post-Communion. His presence and the cooperation of the students of the Aemilianum College made this Missa Cantata possible. I took along with me my cousin who is a candidate for transitional deacon, another student and my co-worker Mrs. Gina. The three of them had wonderful comments about the way the Mass proceeded. They were extremely impressed with the music and one thing they said was that they appreciated the solemnity and the punctuated silences of the Traditional Latin Mass less evident in the Novus Ordo. Fr. Abraham Arganiosa, CRS our chaplain have wanted to make this Mass public but at that time he felt not so confident as yet with the rubrics. But Fr. Abe’s progress in learning the old rite is impressive. He is self-taught as far as the rubrics are concerned and has displayed great humility to learn the rubrics. He never allowed hectic schedules and communitarian duties to hamper his willingness to learn the rubrics of the Traditional Roman Rite.
The development of the TLM apostolate in Sorsogon City was indeed a miracle and clearly has the blessings of the Lord. I remember that way back in February it was just Fr. Abe, myself and a couple of persons who were there attending the Mass. We are also grateful to Fr. Richard, CRS the then superior of the House for allowing this mass and it was he who even suggested that it be moved from a Wednesday to a Sunday prime time. Today we are also grateful to Fr. Lino, CRS, the current superior for extending the permission.
The Ladies and the Children As we quietly continue the apostolate we were blessed with the arrival of the Ladies from the Alliance of Two Hearts who volunteered to join the Traditional Latin Mass every Sunday. They also volunteered to clean the church, the altars and helped provide the linens. These Ladies are our “Dorcas”. Fr. Abe fondly calls them “Confradia de San Geronimo”. And today with these ladies, their families and children we have now the “stable group” required by the Summurom Pontificum.
Image of St. Jerome Emiliani, Patron of the Somascan Chapel. St. Jerome is the Patron Saint of the Orphans and the fatherless. Hence, the apostolate of the Somascans is centered on the care of the orphans and the education of the young.
The development of this TLM apostolate is indeed a miracle and a sign of the Goodwill of the Lord. In less than a year progress is being made. I almost despaired of looking for a priest who will be willing to celebrate the Mass. Through the power of blogging and internet networking with fellow Traditionally inclined Catholics Fr. Abe responded to my request and almost by the sheer goodwill of the Lord, there has never been an obstacle. But we realize that in the future there will be tests but we pray and trust in the Lord. Recalling the words of St. Teresa of Avila, “Be afraid of nothing, all things passes away, only the will of the Lord remains.” Thanks be to God for giving us the chance to show the splendor of the Church, the beauty of his temple.
O, Lord my God, where shall we go? You have the words of eternal life!
The Celebrant Performing the Rite of Exorcism of the Water and the Salt to be used for the Asperges and for various purposes to serve the needs of the faithful
The ancient rite of Order of Blessing was used in the preparation of this Holy Water to be used for the asperges. This ancient rite contains powerful and poetic prayers entreating the Lord to bless the water, the priest acting with the authority of the Church as signified by his vesture (the alb and the stole). The prayer recalls the experience of Eliseus and entreat that the blessed water with the salt will be for the health of the faithful and will vanish the evil that disturbs. The use of Holy Water is very ancient as far as the custom of the Church is. We are taught that Blessed water belongs to the order of sacramentals. Meaning to say they are symbols and that our faith is necessary to make it efficacious. It does not impart grace per se but it invokes the grace of God by means of our faith. When we use holy water with the right faith and intention it procures for us the favor and protection of God. Moreover we are taught that Holy Water has the power to cleanse us of our venial sins. Hence, the sprinkling of Holy Water is a reminder to us of our baptismal promises and helps too to remind us of the promise of Christ to restore us to the innocence of paradise lost by original sin.
"Asperges me...."
The asperges is not part of the Mass per se but it is considered as a form of preparatory prayers. Thus in the asperges the celebrant is expected not to wear the chasuble but is expected to wear the cope. In this case the celebrant does not wear the cope because we still do have it. In the near future we shall have it by the grace of God as He provides generously for the needs of His children.
Vesting of the Celebrant made more manifest the role of Alter Christus.In the vesting of the Chasuble the Priest silently recites: "Domine, qui dixisti: Jugum meum suave est, et onus meum leve: fac, ut illud portare sic valeam, quod possim consequi tuam gratiam." ('O Lord, Who said: My yoke is easy and My burden light: grant that I may bear it well and follow after You with thanksgiving.'). Th chasuble is one of the most important vestment of the ministerial priesthood. The word Chasuble was taken from the Latin word casulla meaning "little house". Probably because it resembles a house. When the priest wears it, it covers both the front and the back. The priest is thus reminded to bear the yoke of Christ. This too is a reminder for all the faithful to follow the footsteps of Christ who said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. What a blessing indeed to have Jesus as our Master and Teacher. How sweet it is to listen to his teachings and obey his word. This reminded me of my favorite English Hymn written by Fanny Crosby. One line says thus: "Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my heart every word tell me the story most precious. Sweetest that was ever heard. Tell how the angels in chorus sang as they welcomed his birth. Glory to God in the highest! Peace and good tidings on earth."
The Entrance Procession, O Lord I will gladly ascend to Mt. Zion with Joy and Singing!
Prayers at the Foot of the Altar
The prayers at the foot of the altar is a beautiful feature of the Old Mass which is no longer found in the Novus Ordo. In the prayers at the foot of the altar the Celebrant and the servers take turn in expressing their unworthiness to ascend and serve the Lord in the Altar of Calvary. This is a reminder too of the vision of prophet Isaiah where he expressed his unworthiness before the majesty of God. Henceforth God sent forth an angel bearing the coals from the altar and placed it in the mouth of the prophet, and the angel said from now on you are no longer unclean. Furhtermore the prayers at the foot of the altar also consists of the recitation of Psalm 42. The beautiful exchanges of the recitation of the versicle between the celebrant and the servers reminds us of how appropriate this psalm is for the beginning of the Mass. We are calling upon the Lord to send forth the light and the truth. Who is this light and truth - it is Jesus Christ, our eternal high priest, our eternal king and prophet.
Major Elevation
And Jesus said, "Just as Moses lifted up the serpent on the desert and many were healed so the Son of Man shall be. When I am lifted up I will draw all men unto me...." My Lord and my God!
The Second Confiteor Jesus said, "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood will have eternal life and I will raise him up on the Last Day." What a solemn promise, what a solemn pledge of salvation. Should we not humble ourselves and express our unworthiness by looking at the cross and say "mea culpa, mea clpa, mea maxima culpa...." but with eyes of faith and gratitude we partake of the communion of the body and blood of the Lord, taking hold of that solemn promise that on the last day he will raise us up to become glorious bodies, never to die, never to fear and in the end we shall forget about this painful world and we shall be ushered to the eternal happiness of the Kingdom of God where Father, Son and Holy Ghost reigns supreme. Let God arise and let His enemies be vanished. Amen and Amen.
Communion of the Faithful
"Lord I am not worthy that you should come under my roof, but only say thy word and thy servant shall be healed..." what a solemn declaration of faith and humility. God loves the humble, He shows him favor but He resists the proud. We see how the Lord and how the church honors the humble. The words of the humble centurion of Capernaum now immortalized not only in the book of the gospels but in the perpetual liturgy of the Roman Church.
Ite Missa est...Deo Gracias
Praise be to our Living God. Pray for our pledging TLM in Sorsogon City. The only Mass celebrated in the extraordinary Form in Bicol Region. The Mass is ended now go in Peace. Now we who have celebrated the mysteries of the faith are called upon to temporarily reiturn to our homes to the world and there be a light to the darkened world. A world immersed in darkness, sin and pride. As Christians we must go forth and proclaim the light of Christ in both our religious and secular spheres. Influencing the world, our work, our professions and out homes so that it may conform to the gospels. Amen, amen and amen.
1 comment:
Dearest Dr. Herbert,
Sir, your words moved me to tears. You've touched the core of my heart. Indeed, there is no further explanation for these things except that the Lord has blessed us beyond our expectations. Like the Mustard Seed this apostolate has grown much and like the leaven it has increased in devotion and spirituality. Next week we shall have our brand new golden cope for the Asperges. Watch out for it.
We are only starting; there are still a lot of things to do but 'unless the Lord builds the House in vain do its builders labor." Surely, this House is built by the Lord.
Thank you for being at my side throughout all these wonders of God's love. THANK YOU, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.
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