Several years ago, this old image of John the Baptist occupied the Central Reredo / Altar. This was usually the arrangement of pre-Vatican altars, even in the 70s the image remained in the main Sanctuary. But in the early 90s a newly assigned parish priest decided to renovate the Church. As to what liturgical principles they followed... I simply cannot comprehend. They demolished the high altar and replaced it with an oversized ach that did not match the ancient architechture and at the sametime seems useless and impractical. They also removed the Image of St. John and placed it on this side altar. But nonetheless even if relegated on the side altar, the voice of John the Baptist still resound with..."I must decrease and he must increase...".
St. John was characterized by his simplicity and devotion to doing the will of God. He was indeed a precursor. he did not perform any miracle, but many hearts in the house of Israel were restored through penance and as symbolized by his baptism. Both John and Jesus showed obedience to the Father. When Jesus submitted Himself to John's Baptism, John protested and said that why should he baptized the Lord. But Jesus told him that they have to fulfill the will of God. Very beautiful lessons. My heart leaps for oy every time I meditate on this subjects. Adam and Eve fell because of pride but here the Lord and the Saints earned salvation by obeying the will of God.
When I was a child I was enthralled by the sounds of the bells from this tower. I remember the thunderous sound it would give and the other lesser bells joining the mother bell. During angelus it would ring and the passers by would stop by to pause for the Angelus (alas today this practice is no longer seen). My late grand mother use to attend the early morning Mass and these bells usually are the ones that woke us up. A children we were trained to wake up early. Today our city will celebrate the feast of St. John the Baptist.
Lord Almighty, you have sent your servant John the Baptist to prepare the way of the Lord. Just as he has lived exemplifying your virtues and love for the Kingdom of God, may we also be permeated with that virtue that animated your ervant John the Baptist. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
St. John the Baptist pray for our City of Tabaco and deliver us from calamities, poverty, famine and hunger. Amen.
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