Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Commander of the Hosts of God

In many towns and villages in the Philippines whose titular or Patron Saint is the Archangel Michael, May 8 is a special day. St. Michael is a favorite Saint, perhaps because of his role in the Kingdom of God as defender of the Church. St. Michael pray for us.


Anonymous said...

St. Michael the Archangel is my patron Saint for Confirmation.

Anonymous said...

God bless my brother, lets seek the intercession of St. Michael, whose name is invoked in the mass as the one who will bring our prayers to the throne like an incense to God.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Herbert,

That expression that the Archangel is bringing our prayers before the Divine Throne in Heaven is taken from the Book of Tobit 12:12-15 while the analogy of the incense, i.e., the Archangels bringing our prayers like an incense to God is derived from the Book of Revelation 8:3-4. What a beautiful expression. Very Biblical!

May St. Michael defend and protect the Church, especially the Holy Father -- the VICAR OF CHRIST -- our bond of unity and protector of the faith from heretics, so that he may remain steadfast in proclaiming and defending the faith for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Yes... and as a matter of interest the prayer of the priest when placing the grains of inscense on the burner, is a prayer of invocation to St. Michael. It is an ancient prayer of the church and its efficacy has been tested.

and Yes too, the Book of Tobit is one of my favorite books in the Old Testament. Although the Protestants do not accept its canonical value, yet we as Catholics accepts Tobit and indeed its an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Just a note that I'm posting a three part interview with Conchia Gonzales, the main seer at Garabandal, about her experiences with the apparitions of Saint Michael the Archangel, starting on 5/10/08 USA time. My Blog is
I have been praying the St. Michael Chaplet for almost 40 years daily, I love the holy Angels of God!

The Word Made Flesh