Sunday, April 13, 2008


In recent days there have been news items critical of Holy Masses celebrated in political gatherings. I think that Church hierarchical authorities who farbade Mass to be said in political gatherings are right. The Holy Mass is a Sacrament and the rites appertaining thereto are also sacred. Our Lord has said that we should never throw our pearls unto the dogs. We also know that politics is divisive and exclusive. The profanity of political concerns will taint the dignity of the Mass and the sacred meaning it connotes. Our Lord when he was here on earth never meddled in the political issues of the Jews in His time. He even criticized the groups who were trying to coax him to take their sides. For Christ said that His kingdom is not of this world. He further siad that if His Kingdom were of this world then his disciples would take up swords and fight. But Jesus forbade them from fighting, because according to Our Lord, they that live by the sword shall die with the sword.
Another issue that is very common now a days are Masses held at shopping malls. Should Masses be held at shopping Malls? I browsed the web and found the explanation given by the Cardinal Rosales at the web page of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines . The Cardinal emphasized the need for a place, a corner or a chapel where the Mass can be celebrated with reverence and not be distracted by the passing and going of people. The Cardinal said that this practice can be justified in the sense that people who usually come from the provinces visit the mall. By bringing the Mass to them it gives them the opportunity to comply with their Sunday obligations. Moreover, it is the duty of the Parish priests to ensure that these celebrations are held in accordance with the approved norms. Thus any celebration in the malls or any places aside from the Church the permission of the Parish Priest should be obtained.

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