Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Today is a historic moment for the history of the Church in Bicol. On February 27, 2008 The First Traditional Latin Mass was held since the Summorum Pontificum took effect on September 14, 2007, Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. Rev. Fr. Abraham Arganiosa, CRS, chaplain of Amaelianum College, Inc. (ACI),in Sorsogon City, celebrated the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite at the Chapel of St. Jerome Emiliani at the ACI, on February 27, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. The mass was done with all simplicity and dignity. The celebration was a private mass in the Chapel in the presence of lay faithful invited for the said occasion. This is a pioneering effort on the part of Fr. Abe and the Somascans in Sorsogon City. At the moment we still do not have the traditional vestments for the Priest and we still do not have altar cards and candlesticks. But Fr. Abe and Fr. Richard was there and prepared the chapel and the altar. The Altar was prepared with linens on top of it and the candles were arranged accordingly. The handsome altar missal donated by the group of C.A. Palad was laid on the altar. For the meantime, Dr. Herbert served as altar server. Me and three of my students braved the torrential rains as we drove from Legazpi City to Sorsogon City a pretty 40 or so kilometers drive in order to be present at this mass. We felt privileged to be present in this historic event for the church in Bicol unfolding before our eyes. The Mass was assisted by me, my three students, two brothers from the Alliance of Two Hearts, and two ladies. Fr. Abe plans to say the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite on a weekly basis every Wednesday morning at 9:00 a.m. at least for this semester that will be the schedule. Fr. Richard, the Superior of the community, suggested to Fr. Abe that perhaps in the near future the TLM could be held every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Fr. Abe said that the next TLMs will be a learning experience for us as we strive to master the rubrics. Once this is achieve the mass can be open for the public as those who celebrate and the lay faithful who assist must have some formation in this form of Liturgical Celebration. Please pray for our endeavors to fulfill the will of God here in Bicol and to live up to the wishes of Pope Benedict XVI as expressed in the Apostolic Letter, Summorum Pontificum. (For those who wish to read the Apostolic Letter and the accompanying explanatory letter of the Holy Father, please follow the link in the sidebar of this blog page). Please support our Traditional Latin Mass with your prayers and encouragement. I will share with you below some of the pictures. The Mass is indeed the Most beautiful Thing this side of Heaven. Blessed be God for ever!

Here are some of the TLM Mass pictures, I am pleased to share them with you.

Prayers at the foot of the Altar

The Collects

Offertory (a)

Offertory (b)

The Lavado

The Consecration

The Elevation of the Blood of the Lord

The Communion of the Faithful

The Faithful who assisted at the TLM

One of the Faithful present at the Mass, following through the order of the Mass in a hand booklet of the Missal.


Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Herbert,


Besides the Mass itself the best blessing the Lord has given me after the TLM is your friendship and support. Now, I have once again witnessed how the faith of one can lead to so many spiritual blessings.

As we are looking forward to our next celebrations of the TLM let us offer our intentions for the good of our country and of the Church in the Philippines.


Blessed be the Name of the Lord, now and forever!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Father, we always appreciate your efforts and we know that you serve the Lord. I know that in the future where ever you will be assigned, I know that you will be of great help to others specially the needy. Thank you po once again because we know that the Eucharist is very precious to all of us Catholics because it is the pledge of Salvation for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Doc,

Wow finally Bicol, one of the bastions of real Catholicism since the Spanish era, has had a TLM!

I'd just like to send my congratulations to you and Fr. Abe.

Oh, by the way, technically, the term "Praeparatio Donorum" (preparation of the gifts) was a nomenclature improvement after the liturgical reforms of Paul VI. In the Old usage, we simply call it, Offerterio or Offertory. This was theologically a bit confusing because the real "offering" is made during the Eucharisitc Prayer when we already have the victim.

Because of this the liturgical reform of Paul VI endeavoured to rename that part of the mass to it's present naming.

Anonymous said...

Hi Iosephvs, thanks for being keenly observant when you say we must use Offertory (offertorium) instead of "Praeparatio Donorum." However, that is not theologically confusing even to the knowledgeable liturgists of the novus ordo. Offertory means bringing in the gifts (offerre, oblatus) which is a more proper theological explanation to that part of the Mass. If NOers would disagree of using the word Offertory, quote Marcel Metzger, "A Eucharistic Lexicon," Handbook for Liturgical Studies III, 5 which will explain that the word offertory for that part of the Mass is a more ancient term and is more proper than just calling it "preparation of the gifts."

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Rosana

Pax et Bonum!

I read your posts here on TLM and its so lucky that there are still Filipino Catholics who are willing to promote the TLM. I am a graduate of BUCAS and i hope that you will be an instrument in bringing the TLM in the diocese of Legaspi. I always wanted to attend TLM since i have learned the catholic faith about 4 years ago. I am currently working here in samar and for 3 months i have been a cantor for a private novus Ordo mass here in the chapel in our hospital. I chant the kyrie, gloria, sanctus, agnus dei in greek for kyrie and latin for others. I learned gregorian chants in the internet and i hope one day that gregorian chants will again be heard in churches in albay.

you can contact me on my mobile 09274368164

Joseph said...

Ave Maria,

I am thankful to God for the TLM in Bicol. I am a seminarian and I love the TLM. It is difficult though but we have to raise the banner up high in order to preserve the Catholic identity. Thanks to HH Pope Benedict XVI.

The Word Made Flesh