Sunday, January 6, 2008


Today's modern technology has provided us with benefits beyond compare. Today's Liturgical celebration on the feast of the Epiphany at the Vatican is significant. The telecast has provided us with opportunity to watch and be part of the celebration. Although TV viewing of the mass will not fulfill our Sunday obligation, it however provides us with the chance to witness this beautiful celebration. This is because papal liturgical celebrations are considered important because it becomes the prototype for all liturgical celebrations in different parts of the world. The new Papal Master of Ceremonies has brought some changes although few, but it is now noticeable that Gregorian chants and traditional vestments are beginning to be common in papal celebrations. The main altar is furnished and arranged along traditional lines. The seven candles and the altar crucifix is now situated again in the middle of the high altar.

I would like to share with you my simple reflection on the homily of Pope benedict XVI. I am not sure if my recollection of some points are accurate but I believe that these were some of the important points that i have gleaned from the homily. Let me narrate my reflections point by point:

1. The Pope explained that the ephipany is the feast that celebrates the manifestation of the Lord as light of the world.

2. The homily also made mention of Balaam, hired by the enemies of Israel to curse Israel. But the Lord sent His angel and told Balaam not to curse Israel because He is blest by God and this blessing has been manifest in Christ which the Church now enjoys. That the blessing of Abraham has been given to us through Christ.

3. The Magi represent the gentiles, they searched and understood the coming of Christ. The Pope lamented the fact that though Christ is now manifested in us until now only a few recognized him.

4. The homily also made mention of how the story of Babel in the Old Testament represented confusion. But Christ came in order to remove this confusion. This is the main reason why the pope said that Epiphany is closely connected with the feast of Pentecost where the Holy Ghost descended on the Church and signifies that the Church is a multilingual body but are united as oppose to the confusion of Babel. Christ came to promote unity.

5. Salvation history demonstrates to us that God always maintains faithfully His alliance with His people. Thus when the Church reflects the light of Christ She fulfills her mission.

6. Globalization far from promoting world order has provided problems. The inequitable distribution of resources is the root of this problem. Thus moderation is important. The values of sharing is important.

During the mass some important dates were announced for this litugical year, and I have noted them down:

February 6, 2008 - Ash Wednesday / First Day of Lent
March 23, 2008 - Easter (The greatest Feast in the Litugical Calendar)
May 11, 2008 - Pentecost
May 22, 2008 - Corpus Domini
November 30, 2008 - First Sunday of Advent

To our friends. Happy feast day.
Dont foget to pray the Rosary.

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