Note: I should have posted this reflection last Sunday but I have been so busy with work that it took some days before I can do this.
The Purpose and Relevance of Religious Processions
Sunday, January 20, 2008, is the feast of the Sto. Nino. The Sto. Nino is the Filipino version of the Infant of Prague. The icon depicts the infancy and childhood of Jesus. I was privilege to assist at Mass today, where after the mass the Mass there was a procession of the Sto. Nino. I saw the love and devotion of the faithful who joined the procession. I am also glad that the Priest who officiated the Mass joined in the procession together with the processional cross and the candles borne by the acolytes and altar boys. The priest, led the faithful in the procession. He was in front wearing the traditional cape draped over the alb and the stole. The priest was also wearing the biretta. I commend this priest for taking the lead. Alas today, many priests do not join in processions anymore and often if ever they join they would stay at the back. I do pray that our priests should show more piety in performing these exercises. Processions are also considered part of the liturgy or if we do not want to accept that idea, processions are also quasi-liturgical because they are connected to the official liturgy of the Church. Processions are also spiritual exercises. (1) First it teaches us the virtue of humility. It takes humility to walk under the elements. In processions there are no rich nor poor every one walks in order to follow the Lord. (2) Processions also is a form of exercise that reminds us that life is a journey. A journey towards God. In this journey we have to persevere, be patient and endure the hardships. (3) and third participation in a religious procession is an opportunity for us to declare our faith publicly. Jesus said, if we declare Him in public, he will also declare us in heaven before the angels. But if we deny Him, He will also deny us in the presence of His angels.
Popular Piety and Spiritual Maturity
“For we who are strong should bear the weakness of the weak”. That’s how I remember St. Paul said in the Scriptures. At a glance it could be said that the folk piety of the faithful with regards to the practice of this devotion to the Senor Santo Nino verges on hysteria and superstition. But there is another side to a coin. If these expressions resemble hysteria and superstition then how do we account for the love and devotion in the hearts of the faithful? How do we account for the children and the common folks who danced and shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David” when Jesus was entering Jerusalem? These folks were not masters of theology nor were they well versed in the Scriptures. But Jesus blessed God for showing this light to the simple and to the children.
It is true that the nature of Catholic devotion is to lead us to the summit of all devotions which is the Eucharist. I remember very well how Mother Angelica, the founder of EWTN, said that these popular devotions are like vitamin pills that sustains our lives and gives us strength. But the meal that truly gives us life is the Eucharist. The mark of true devotion is its ability to lead us to Christ and to point us to the Liturgy of the Church which the supreme form of the worship of God on earth.
Instead of condemning or looking at with condescension towards these practices, we who understand should help our brothers and sisters so that these practices may lead them ultimately to the summit of Christian worship which is the Eucharist.
What does the infancy of Our Lord holds for us? When we celebrate the Feast of Sto. Nino in a mature way, it helps us understand that there is power in the faith of the Child. Our minds have been clouded by pride, disobedience and obstinacy.
In a way the devotion to the Sto. Nino points us to a great mystery in the history of our Salvation. The coming of Christ, His redemptive work and propitious sacrifice, has for its aim the restoration of the innocence that was lost because of original sin. Adam and Eve the progenitor of the human race by their act of disobedience, propelled by pride and lack of faith has brought the whole human race our of the state of grace. Hence, the childlike nature of the humankind was lost. It was replaced by pride, disobedience, dislike for God and many other forms of ills. St. Paul said that it was not only us humans that suffered from this fall, but also the entire creation. For until now the whole creation groans until the manifestation of the children of God. But thanks be to God that Christ our Lord has opened the paradise for us through His Cross. This opening of paradise was made known by Christ Himself when he assured one of the thief crucified with Christ that He will be taken with Him in Paradise. Hence today as we cooperate with the move of the Holy Spirit and avail of the Sacraments of Christ through His Church, this innocence is restored. Conversion is not a one time experience but rather it is a lifetime quest. May the Mother of Our Lord help us draw closer to Christ, her Son.
(The Photo ofthe Madonna is by Fr.G. Benevenuto. Release in the public domain http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Eremo_di_butrio_-_016_-_Interno_seconda_chiesa_-_Stuatua.jpg)
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