Saturday, June 28, 2014
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul
Did you ever wonder why in many Catholic Churches here in the Philippines you always find the images of St. Peter and St. Paul side by side in the facade? It is because St. Peter and St. Paul are considered the Patron saints or the founders of the Roman Church. That is why in Rome you have the St. Peters Basilica, the location where St. Peter was buried and also the Church of St. Paul outside of the walls, two prominent churches in Rome. If Constantinople claims St. Andrew and if Alexandria claims St. Mark, Rome claims St. Peter and St. Paul. An ominous sign that it is the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ when before Simon, later Peter profess his faith in Caesaria Philippi. The Church of God founded on the ROCK (Peter), the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. On the SOLEMNITY OF ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL, may they intercede for us all.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Personal Reflection on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the
solemnity of Corpus Christi reminds us that the Eucharist is the summit of Christian
life. It is the culmination of our religious experience and practice as
revealed by the historical experience of the Church. The two disciples on the road to Emmaus, felt
that their hearts were burning while discussing with Him the events in
Jerusalem and How the Lord, yet unrecognized by them, expounded to them the
scriptures and how it should be fulfilled by the Son of Man. The acts of the breaking of the bread finally
opened their eyes. Applying these
thoughts to contemporary issues, it can be observed that our liturgy, the Mass, is arranged in
such a way that the Word precedes the liturgy of the Eucharist, the
proclamation of the Word instructs but
it is only in the Eucharist that Christ gives himself to us Body, Blood, Soul
and Divinity. Christ told the
unbelieving Jews that unless they eat of this bread and drink of His Blood,
they have no life in them.
Church has grown steadily in the appreciation of this great mystery. The richness of her rites and liturgies has
demonstrated the love and adoration for the Eucharist. There is however, an erroneous belief or
perception which says that the bread of the Eucharist is supposed to be eaten
and not to be looked at. This erroneous
belief led some to minimize if not neglect the adoration and exposition of the
consecrated Host. I would suppose that
this erroneous belief is protestant in origin but sadly for a time it has had
its influence on some segment of the Church especially after the confusion that
ensued after the Second Vatican Council when the liberals had their free ride
in the reforms being undertaken as if to legitimize their erroneous
beliefs. Akin to this erroneous belief
is the practice of relegating the Blessed Sacrament on the side or hidden
corner of the Church away from the altar.
As they said it was a confusion to put together in one place the
repository of the Host and the place where the act of transubstantiation
happens. But I would opine that it is
more confusing to place the Blessed Sacrament on the corner of the altar in
full view of the faithful while the Mass is being held at the altar. But I am glad that today in renovations and
in many churches where the Blessed Sacrament is displayed; they have brought
back the Blessed Sacrament at the center of the altar. In some churches, I have observed that they
have a place where they put the Bible on one side and the Blessed Sacrament on
the other side. I would think that it is
illogical to create a repository for the Bible side by side with the blessed
Sacrament because it creates confusion.
The Real Presence is a true presence of the whole person of Christ,
while the presence of Christ in the proclamation of His word is not as the same
as the Real Presence. In the proclamation
of the Word Christ is present because he is the origin of the Word, He is the
logos. It demonstrates His
omnipresence. But the Eucharist is
indeed a Real Presence because it is Christ Himself offered as a sacrifice of
Calvary but in unbloody manner.
refuse to take the idea that; the Bread is to be eaten and not to be looked
at. The practice of exposition of the
Sacred Species for adoration is not an aberration, but rather the practice of
doing so is the product of the long collective experience of the Church and her
growing appreciation and love for the Holy Eucharist. It is also an appreciation for the Most Holy
Sacrament that produced such intimacy between the Lord and His Bride-the
church. This practice became popular
during the time of St. Thomas Aquinas.
The angelic doctor has composed numerous prayers and hymns on the
adoration of the Eucharist. This
practice also arose as the church’s affirmation of the real presence which at
that time was being challenged by the heretics.
the two disciples at Emmaus, let us open our eyes that Christ may fill us with
faith to believe and accept. Amen.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
REFLECTIONS: “My thoughts about Pentecost”
Holy Ghost is the proof of Christ presence in the church and the enduring
promise of his Second Coming. His
presence proves to us that we have the foretaste of what it is to be in the
life of God. One of the greatest proof
of his enduring presence is Love. We saw
that during Pentecost the infant church were filled with love, they shared
everything. They sold the things that
they have, laid it down at the apostles feet to be distributed to the poor and
be shared. They were steadfast in the
celebration of the Eucharist daily, which they called the breaking of the
Bread. Life is a journey through
time. The church as a human organization
also journeys through time. Through this journey it is possible that somehow we
can become lukewarm. If we read in the
Book of Revelation Chapter 1we read about the messages of Christ to the seven
churches of Asia. Some were faithful while
others were not. As we journey in this
faith let us pray and be vigilant and listen and obey to the promptings of the
Holy Ghost. The infant church of the New
Testament is a living proof and is model picture of what the church should
WANT TO SEE, BUT IT SHOUD BE A CHURCH THAT WHAT CHRIST WOULD WANT TO SEE. I am amused to see some dioceses or even
parishes formulate their own vision, mission and objectives (VMGO), as if the
church is a corporation. The church may
be ahuman organization but it is divine in origin so it is not the human members
that should formulate the VMGO, but it should be the gospel and the will of
God. Are we following ourselves or are
we following Christ?
a special way I saw ecumenism as the work of the Holy Ghost. We should however distinguish between false
and genuine ecumenism. When two groups
of people seek to overcome their differences with sincerity and try to honestly
communicate with each other to reach a level of understanding that is what we
call ecumenism. The prayer of Jesus was
“that that they maybe one just as we are one”.
If we are animated by the Trinitarian love, we shall be move to seek
ways to come to unity with our brothers and sisters. The bitter division at the great schism in
the eleventh century and the protestant reformation has rend the body of
Christ. As Christians we should listen
to the voice of the Holy Ghost to heal and to mend the bitter division. As Christians we must support our Pope in
fulfilling the Petrine ministry of fostering unity in the church, in confirming
the faithful in their faith and to be a tower of strength. True ecumenism is not syncretism but it is a
genuine desire to understand each other and to honestly work to overcome
also offers us the hope and the faith that with the help of the Holy Ghost, we
can cleanse ourselves and that the church would be cleansed of the sin that
plagued some of her members. To overcome
the issues of child abuse and financial mismanagement. Far from being negative these are
opportunities for us to cleanse the church with the blood of the Lamb. The Holy Ghost will always be there to help
and to renew the face of the earth.
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